Copper pots

Ivan was unpacking, still, a tote the other day, that had, as we both like to say, “more kitchen stuff”. We have enough “kitchen stuff”, for two or three kitchens.

Here are some pieces “before” I did a quick cleaning.
These are just three pieces of the two different sets, after the cleaning.

The pan and lid on the right were hand hammered in Italy, and have brass handles, while the other two are from France, and have cast iron handles. This photo was taken after a quick cleaning with a powder called Bar Tenders Friend.

I had forgotten how much I enjoyed cooking with the copper. They are so easy to heat, cook with, and clean. The small fry pan, in front, in the above photo, has a small area of exposed copper so we are trying to find someone that can re-tin the surface. There are places in the US that re-tin, so there must be someone here that can do it, as well.

Between these, and my cast iron pans, I am set for life.

PS: we have decided we are going to redo them ourselves. We can get the supplies we need right around the corner from the condo. I will let you know how they turn out.