Continuing to survive

I am sure you will be as pleased, as I am, to know, the exercising is coming along without a hitch, and that I remain faithful to this blog post.

Having started this exercising business last week, I have added a bit of resistance band stretching to my workouts, as well as the all elusive crunches, and continue with the myofascial stretching. That last one, as a stand alone, is worth the fifteen dollars I paid for it.

I try to do the myofascial stretching just before going to bed. My legs get so jumpy if I turn off of my back, onto either side if I do not stretch. It is not only very uncomfortable, not stretching, it gets painful. So, just do it.

Slowly, I am noticing a difference, not only in how my clothes fit, but also, the flexibility I have regained over time. Before stretching, I could just touch my fingertips to the floor; now, after almost two weeks, I can curl my fingers towards me, and touch the second knuckles to the floor. That is an increase of almost two inches. Side to side, not so much, though I can reach, probably, one inch more, down the side of my legs. Not bad.

Well, I just got back from climbing the stairs, so I am going to have a cup of coffee, and relax. See you tomorrow.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.