Completely different

As of 4/19/24, my “exercise routine”, if one can call it that, has changed completely.

As you may recall, from a prior post, I found several exercises, on line, that help with stretching my lower back muscles, opening up my stiff hips, and strengthening my core muscles.

Well, here’s the thing. I bought a program, several years ago, before retiring actually, called Svelte, run by an RPT named Meredith Shirk. I’ve had the program, as I said, for quite some time, and open it annually.

That’s as far as I ever got.

Until the 19th. I decided that I am going to take my health concerns into my own hands, and finally get back into a decent shape. I’m 2 months shy of 69 years old, but my body feels like I’m closer to 79 years old.

Nuts to that, I say.

So, on YouTube, she has, with 2 other coaches, Gaby, and Greg, short, usually less than 10 minute doable routines that I have been not only participating in, but saving to a playlist, making them all quickly accessible.

I’ve been trying to go to bed between 10pm. and midnight, getting up between 7:30am, and 8:30am. each morning.

I get up, weigh myself, turn on the shower, take my pills, walk to the kitchen, and turn on the kettle, heating water for coffee. By the time I do all of that, the water is finally hot in the shower, so I proceed with my morning ablutions. (A word I’ve never gotten to use before. I love it.)

I have 1, or 2 cups of coffee, work a few of my word games to get the old brain limbered up, then find the latest workout to do on my computer, and do it. When I’ve done my 10 minutes, and have worked up a lovely (clean) sweat, I’m out the door to walk once around the park, or twice if I’m able.

All of the above has been having subtle changes to my large frame, though not all for the best. I’ve developed shin splints. Poor Diana.

Whilst I work through that, however, I still try to walk at least once a day, sometimes twice, and to the market, or all the way to Walmart, and back, twice weekly.

I’m putting in the distance more so on a weekly basis versus daily. At least I’m out of the chair, out of the apartment, and in the sunshine. My tan is coming along nicely with my new summer dresses, and my sandals, so it’s all good.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.