
We really enjoy having a fresh cup of coffee in the morning.

Do you?

We’ve been drinking instant coffee for months as I’m lazy, or sick, and didn’t feel like grinding beans every night, filling the water reservoir, cleaning the dirty pot; you probably know the drill.

Now, we’re both tired of instant coffee morning after morning. So, the other day, whilst battling the beetle situation, I resurrected the Braun coffee maker that I bought a few years ago, and started making fresh brew again.

While I was at it, I rearranged the countertop, and shuffled things around to accommodate the coffee maker, and get a bit more organized. (yes, I’m feeling much better).

Let me show you. (Of course I have photos of it. Duh!)

It always amazes me how much work I can get done in such a small space. I’ve given serious consideration to buying, or making a small, shorter island, but there’s so little space to move around in I don;t really think it would work. And when we’re both in there, forget about it.

Anyway, not much else to impart today. So, until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. WASH, WASH, WASH, and protect yourselves.

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