Cleanliness is…..

Down here, no matter where you are, or, where you go, if you look closely enough, you will see someone cleaning something.

I was in the car, a few weeks ago, waiting for Ivan to fill a prescription, and, when I glanced to the left, (I was in the drivers seat), I saw a young man, up on a short, ladder, like one used in the kitchen. And, in his hand, he had, what appeared to be, a cleaning cloth.

I could just see him as he was wiping a portion of wall that was stainless steel. There was no one else around- the small, garage size “restaurant” had no customers at that moment. Instead of sitting in a chair, on his phone, he was doing what needed to be done- work! Earning a day’s pay for a day worked. It probably will not be much, but it will be something. Not everyone down here has a job. Not everyone down here wants a job.

When I happened to look at the next restaurant, just to the left of the one above, low, and behold, two women were doing a similar thing- one was sweeping the floor, and the other, wiping down the stainless steel countertops. Amazing.

I did not work very many places in my life, not once I became a nurse, and started working as a nurse, that is. But the places I have worked, well, it took a lot to get people to clean anything, myself included.

We always had an excuse- so and so was supposed to clean that, it was her turn, not mine”. Or, “I just cleaned that the other day”. Better than that was the excuse “it looks clean enough to me”.

Now, my sisters will both tell you that, after dinner, when it was time for dishes, I frequently developed a bladder the size of an acorn! Dishes were never my forte. Now, I rather enjoy that immediate satisfaction of seeing a sink full of dirty dishes, after only a few, short minutes, become a drainer full of sparkling clean dishes.

Here, if you want to keep whatever job you have, busboy, cook, cleaning lady, you do the work that needs doing- you certainly do not complain about having to do it. There are plenty of people trying to eek out a living here, so, if you are not interested in doing your job, someone is waiting to do it instead of you.