Christmas in July

Yesterday, my husband gave me his thirteen inch iPad Pro, complete with his portable keyboard.

He was not using it so he was kind enough to pass it along. Then, I passed along my iPad mini to a friend who needed a computer, so all is well.

Of course, his, (now my) iPad works so much better than the one I had been using, it feels brand new. Oh, wait! It is brand new. He got it a year, or two, ago, but has never used it. His loss, my gain. Gracias, mi amor.

It is smaller than a laptop, as it is only the thirteen inches, but is quite a bit bigger than my iPad Pro, which is eleven inches big. It may not seem like much, but to type on a normal sized keyboard is actually taking me a bit of getting used to. The other keyboards are quite a bit smaller in comparison, and I have been using them for quite a while now.

Enough about that! We are off, again, to LA, however, this is only a sleep over. We have to come back twenty four hours after leaving here. What a shame. We do so enjoy it there. Everything is so peaceful, and serene, as I have indicated dozens of times. It brings us joy to just know we are going; even if just overnight. The four hour drive, each direction, is well worth it.

We have a few more things to do before company comes, and we settle down for the night. Everyone, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.