Checking in

Just wanted to let you know, any of you that are interested, that I am still amongst the living.

And, only one kilo down!!! What is up with that? Six days of continuous diarrhea, and, I am only down one kilo? In the silver lining, I weight less than I have in quite some time. Not the way I want to lose weight, however.

Yesterday, after I started taking the Loperamida, (Lomotil), I began to come back to the living. What a trial that was. It has been two years since I had the exact same thing happen.

We were living at Juan’s house, and, Paty was in Saltillo, visiting her son. I had forgotten to disinfect the cilantro, and spent the next week in bed, and, in the bathroom. When she got home, on my sixth day of hell, she bought me the meds. I needed, and I lived. This time, two years later, it was Ivan that contacted Jesús to buy the meds., and I am, once again, alive.

I feel like a limp noodle, but will regain my energy little by little. Until then, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: Even better than all of that is that today Ivan and I are celebrating forty five years of marriage; fifty one having known each other. Glad to still be living; especially here, with him.

2 thoughts on “Checking in”

  1. Hi Diana!
    Happy 45th Anniversary to both of you! 💕 That is a great thing to be celebrating! Such a wonderful example to those that know you, of your love and devotion (patience & forgiveness 😘) to each other! My dad passed away 2/19/21. He and my mom (who is still living) had been married 71 years! So thankful for that!
    Hope you continue to feel better and get your strength back. Sounds like you had a very rough week. Not a fun thing to experience!

    Take care of yourselves….😊

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