Chasing, sometimes catching

Captain Arab chased Moby Dick.

Ivan and I chase sleep.

Sometimes we catch it, sleep, that is, sometimes we don’t. When we do it usually isn’t until the late hours of the night; or early hours of the morning. Not really sure how to say that.

We usually don’t fall asleep until close to dawn. There. That’s what I meant. We end up sleeping most of the day away as well.

Being a morning person, this has been difficult. I want to sleep at night, but without taking a Benadryl, sleep eludes me. When I do take one, then I’m constipated for 2 days. So, let’s assess.

Constipation, and sleep? Or, no sleep. Tough call. As I am not a fan of the former, I usually choose

Ibuprofen. Sometimes it helps me relax, sometimes it just eases my back pain. I guess you can’t have everything.

I have sleep apps on my phone, in their own little folder even. I’ve tried saying the Rosary, slowly, meaningfully. Nope. Not even the communion of saints seem to be able to help me.

I toss, and turn, get up, put on socks, (cuz it’s freezing over here), change pajama bottoms, or put on another pair over the ones currently in use.

Then, after about 20 minutes, I get to reverse all of the above. All of a sudden I’m perspiring; next thing, the perspiration if drying, and freezing, (figuratively), at the same time. Ugh.

I remember my Gramma Manda saying she rarely slept, the older she got. Well that’s just great. Now, not only do I have her beard, I have her insomnia. Gifts that keep on giving.

I know, you’re all sorry I’m up at 1:30am typing this little ditty, but don’t be. I try to do creative things with this wakefulness, not just watch YouTube, though it is enticing. Tomorrow night, if I can’t sleep, I’m going to start

Just Dance Rasputin. It’s on YT. Take a look. Though, maybe if I did that during the daylight hours I would be tired enough to sleep at night. I’ll let you know.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.