
“Change is inevitable, and, necessary, like the seasons Mr. Palmer. I suggest you embrace it.” NCIS: Season 9, episode 6 – “Thirst”.

I was watching an episode of NCIS, on New Year’s day, when those words were uttered from the mouth of the esteemed Dr. Mallard, aka Ducky, to his young, plucky, assistant Jimmy Palmer. It made me think of all of the changes that are coming soon, with this new year. Also, about, how, for our own piece of mind, we should try to embrace those changes.

Sometimes, however, that is easier said than done, We, each of us, accept changes differently. Some go kicking, and screaming, into it, while others quietly acquiesce. (I have been wanting to use the word acquiesce from the start 😂).

I, for one, will not try to tell you how to accept change, as we are all adults here, and, as such, have our own minds. It is solely yours choice to make. Whatever changes befall you, however, I suggest you do whatever research you need to do to made the decisions you need to make, weighing all of the pros and cons, and then, with the facts in your possession, make the needed change(s).

If you are interested in finding a new place to work, check out everything you need to know about the place in order to make an intelligent decision. Do not make the leap solely on someone else’s information. That usually leads to someone being disenchanted in the end. No, do your own research, get the facts, then look at all options.

Side note– Sorry, but I am so distracted at the moment. One of Ivan’s uncle’s stopped by the house earlier, and after the ritual welcoming hug, and quick peck on the cheek, his cologne is still on me. We love him dearly, however, his cologne is overwhelming me still, and it has been at least an hour now. Wow!

Synopsis- do not be afraid of change. As Ducky said, (and you know you can trust Ducky), it is not only inevitable, but necessary. I hope each of you finds the means necessary to make the best changes that need to be made in your life. Let me know what challenges you are facing this year. Peace, and tranquility, are my hopes for all of you.