
We were at our favorite market, the Mercado Sector Popular, (henceforth to be known, simply, as “El Mercado”), having just eaten a late lunch, after having strolled around a bit, buying avocados, and limes, from our favorited vendor, when we “happened” upon a couple selling some indoor plants. Of course we have gone by this same stall each, and every time we have gone to the market, but, I digress.

The couple was sitting at their small card table, loaded with cut flowers of all varieties, and colors, eating what appeared to be their lunch as well, when we stopped to inquire about some beautiful Sansevieria, or Mother in Laws tongue, Snake plant, etc. There were several half gallon plastic bags, about eight inches in diameter, and were filled with these three to four feet tall Sansevierias, that had to be five years old or older. Ivan asked her how much she wanted for the largest one, and she replied eighty pesos, four dollars. Score!

Ivan asked me if I wanted them, to which I immediately replied in the affirmative! Of course! (After which followed a quick “the look”. You know the one I mean- the one that says “did you really need to ask” look). Whomever was running her stall the other day wanted one hundred pesos, or five dollars. If we had not been so busy the other day, I would have bought them then. Fortunately for us, we waited. However, we have already decided to return to her stall, introduce ourselves, and, hopefully, with the new acquaintance, buy more of her plants. We will see.

One more note about plants. The majority of our windows face the West, while our bedroom faces the South, so we will have a lot of sunshine throughout the day, into the evening. This should be paradise to some beautiful house plants. I cannot wait to decorate with them. Here, they are so inexpensive, comparatively speaking. When we get to decorating, if our internet is not up to standards yet, I will show you photos on Messenger.


You may be wondering what that means, so, give me a moment to explain.

Laika (LIE- ca, like the camera manufacturer) is a rescue dog, and as cute as they come. She is five months old, blonde, and, is about as smart as a stone- at the moment, that is. Let me take license to say, however, that she is exactly what this house/family needs.

She is awake, in the morning, before anyone, except P&P, Ivan, or me, and is running around, downstairs, searching for something, but just what that is, she has no clue. She has been in this house for a very short time, but already has everyone, except Enrique, smiling, and throwing her toy for her to chase. (Enrique is a big guy, and, I think he intimidates her, so she spends the first few minutes, of each of his visits, barking a warning to everyone).

Did I mention that she is a dog, rescued from death, by Arturo? I am unsure, at the moment, of the details, but, you should see her. She has captured everyone’s heart, she is so full of life. You cannot help but smile when she comes into your line of sight, she is so dang cute.

She is definitely Arturo’s dog, because she turns herself inside out when he gets home from work, or she sees him in the morning. Really, it is the same reaction no matter when she see him. She knows a good person when she sees one. Maybe she is not such a stone, huh?!

Website notifications

Has anyone else had enough of a full inbox of messages from websites you have never heard of, much less subscribed to?

While, I, for one, have five different email addresses, each with its own content. One is for “General” information, one is for paying bills, etc., one is for buying things online, one is for family business, and one is for all of my hobbies. To say that, at least, three of these addresses receive upwards of fifty to one hundred notifications daily, is more than I can stand.

So, how did I solve this problem? While my husband was still sleeping, recently, I spent one hour, and twenty minutes opening each, individual website, scrolling to the bottom, and, unsubscribing to each site. As I was doing this, I noticed that I had been subscribed to different sites under the “umbrella”, if you will, of a parent website.

There was no point in receiving the latest coupon/discount for Texas Roadhouse, QVC, or Grove Collaborative, as they do not ship internationally. And, when one receives this many emails in a day, something has to change. Anyway, I now have five, almost completely, empty email addresses. It is quite liberating, I will say.

Post script: a very Happy Birthday to Paty, who is just entering the next best decade of her life. Many, many more comadre. 😘

Changing seasons

Oh, my golly gosh! My hands have become Emory boards (limas de uñas). The weather has completely changed in the past two weeks- colder, not cooler, at night, and my hands are the barometer of that change.

To say that my whole body needs lotion is the understatement of this new year. Up North, this change usually happened around the middle of September. But with the weather, here, so warm, until two weeks ago, it is just now happening. But, right now, it is happening with a vengeance. Do I really care? Not much. Well, that is not entirely true. I care enough to notice that they are actually starting to hurt, and burn, with the dryness. Poor Diana. I knew that is what you were thinking. And, thank you for it 😉

I have started using Ivan’s Aquaphor, which is more of an ointment than anything. And it lasts quite a while. If I did not feel the need to wash my hands every thirty minutes, it seems, maybe they would not be quite so dry. You can take the nurse out of the operating room but you cannot make her forget her skill set.

Happy, happy

I do not, honestly, think I can explain in words how happy we are here. I thought, at first, that it would be difficult for me to adjust- to the different language, altitude, customs. But it has not been difficult at all.

Hopefully, by the time you read this, we will be in the condo. I will write a special post for when that happens, to be sure.

Today I sent a couple of photos of our new table. It is absolutely exactly what we wanted. For awhile it will be folded, alongside the wall as you come into the condo. When we have a “dinner”, with family over, we will pull it over to the rectangle portion of inlaid tile.

The kitchen cabinets want only their glass fronts, and the granite countertop needs to be sanded at the junctions- it has a bit too much adhesive at the moment. The WC accessible bathroom needs two small pieces of tile flooring, and that will be that, in there. The appliances need to be hooked up, and checked to be in working order, then we can, officially, move in. Getting closer, every day. Stay tuned.

El Mercado Sector Popular

I will try to describe this amazing market, because it is where we will be going to buy all of our perishables- meats, vegetables, fruits, flowers, spices, herbs, and, hopefully, some small plants.

There is another market, offering similar items for sale, however, it is much larger, and has way too many people in it. This market, however, is about three kilometers from our condo, and has everything perishable we need. Everything is colorful, bright, happy. And who does not want to shop in that kind of atmosphere?

Side note: Enrique showed us a restaurant inside the market Popular, that serves the best food we have encountered yet. Did I mention that it is incredibly affordable? The other day I had a plate of Enchiladas de pollo en Mole Rojo, that cost me forty five pesos, or two dollars and short change. I also ordered a Lemonade with Chia, that was a full liter, for, I think, less than twenty pesos, or one dollar. We were all so full when we were finished, it was a long walk, (two blocks), back to the car. 😂

Car batteries

It is amazing just how important your car’s battery is, is it not? Without a fully charged battery, you can go nowhere in your car. How easily we take these things for granted.

We had gotten ready to go to Costco recently, went outside, got in the Mercedes, turned the key, and sat there, staring at the dashboard in utter silence. Ivan turned the key again- nothing. What?!?

It has been years since we had a vehicle that did not start. It is so frustrating!! I want to get in it, and see if my key will start it. Of course not. (I was sure that my key would magically start it, but, alas, it did not. I really knew it would not- but I was trying to be hopeful).

Well, Ivan has a super duper charger that should have us going fairly quickly. Stay tuned.

He tried charging it with two different chargers to no effect. Then, he tried jumping it with Marcos car- nada. Lastly, and miraculously it worked, he jumped the battery with one of Juan’s Mercedes. Yay.

So now, we are on our way to AutoZone to have them check, and replace (more than likely) the battery. It only had a four year guarantee so it is probably time. By for now.

Post script: We did not go to AutoZone, Marco took us to Runsa Auto parts, and they checked the battery.


“Change is inevitable, and, necessary, like the seasons Mr. Palmer. I suggest you embrace it.” NCIS: Season 9, episode 6 – “Thirst”.

I was watching an episode of NCIS, on New Year’s day, when those words were uttered from the mouth of the esteemed Dr. Mallard, aka Ducky, to his young, plucky, assistant Jimmy Palmer. It made me think of all of the changes that are coming soon, with this new year. Also, about, how, for our own piece of mind, we should try to embrace those changes.

Sometimes, however, that is easier said than done, We, each of us, accept changes differently. Some go kicking, and screaming, into it, while others quietly acquiesce. (I have been wanting to use the word acquiesce from the start 😂).

I, for one, will not try to tell you how to accept change, as we are all adults here, and, as such, have our own minds. It is solely yours choice to make. Whatever changes befall you, however, I suggest you do whatever research you need to do to made the decisions you need to make, weighing all of the pros and cons, and then, with the facts in your possession, make the needed change(s).

If you are interested in finding a new place to work, check out everything you need to know about the place in order to make an intelligent decision. Do not make the leap solely on someone else’s information. That usually leads to someone being disenchanted in the end. No, do your own research, get the facts, then look at all options.

Side note– Sorry, but I am so distracted at the moment. One of Ivan’s uncle’s stopped by the house earlier, and after the ritual welcoming hug, and quick peck on the cheek, his cologne is still on me. We love him dearly, however, his cologne is overwhelming me still, and it has been at least an hour now. Wow!

Synopsis- do not be afraid of change. As Ducky said, (and you know you can trust Ducky), it is not only inevitable, but necessary. I hope each of you finds the means necessary to make the best changes that need to be made in your life. Let me know what challenges you are facing this year. Peace, and tranquility, are my hopes for all of you.

People watching

So many times, when we are outside, we end up people watching. With close to nine million people here, in México City alone, there are plenty to see.

They come in every shape, size, color, and, creed. Tall, short, thin, heavy, black, brown, and a few of us “güeras”, (pronounced gwehr-ahs). That is what I am considered. And there are not many of us here.

A couple of weeks ago, we were walking through Zapamundi, the mall that houses Soriana, our favorite grocery store. As we passed this group of people, who were waiting to get into the Asian restaurant, a woman, about my age, with the same color skin, and, hair, turned around, and smiled at me. I smiled in return. We both had to be thinking the same thing- “nice to see another güera, for goodness sake”.

Fortunately, I have had no trouble adjusting to a different culture, this time. When we moved to Houston, I was twenty seven, and there were enough güeros to get by. But, in nineteen eighty six, we moved to Laredo, TX – I was done for. I cried for the first six months we were there. The culture shock was more than I could manage.

Not anymore. Now, we enjoy going out, sitting on a short wall, say, while our car is being washed, just watching what people are doing. It is so much more fun, now that I have so much more life experience. I cannot get enough.


I just learned that during the last, large, 7.1, earthquake here in México City, almost 4 kilometers of buildings, including the Liverpool mall I have shown you, were demolished as a result. Just on one street alone. It did not remain so very long, however.

Liverpool was rebuilt within the year, as were many of the other buildings, but under much stricter standards. If you remember the photo showing the “bridge”, in the middle of the mall, (it was one of several in the mall), they all collapsed, on top of the shoppers, injuring and killing many, many people.

Throughout much of the city, where the damage was worse, however, there are hundreds of buildings, still under reconstruction. Evidently, much of the money that the US said they were sending, as a relief effort, that was “supposed” to be allocated for the purpose of rebuilding the city, was “confiscated “, so I am told. No one is one hundred percent sure where it has gone, but, gone it is.

There are several suppositions, however- 1) (this is the most popular thought) – that the US government never actually sent the money, 2) the money was sent to México, but got misdirected after its issuance, and last, 3) the money was sent somewhere, just not here.

Any explanation is possible- who is going to admit anything? Those companies that have enough of their own money are coming back in spades. Those without are taking much longer for a come back. Many small mom and pop stores are gone forever- or have had to move elsewhere.

Always something to be grateful for when one turns ones head to look a different way.