Day 133

So, Ivan came up with a really good idea today. We are going to take down the really too long towel racks in our bathroom, (yes, I measured them, yes, I ordered them, but the idea was Bette in the mind than on the wall, if you know what I mean), and, put them in the pantry area, off of the laundry area.

We are going to de-bulk our five tier cart of all of the pots and pans we have hanging on it at present. Since we have no inch of space in the kitchen, at present, for anything to come off of the cart, we are going to put up the towel rack, as well as a second one, once I measure and order again. Let me show you what I am talking about.

We are going to see if this towel rack is sturdy enough to handle at least a dozen copper, and, carbon steel pots and pans. These will go into the pantry area if they can withstand the weight.

When the guys get done with the condo, the “drawer” that contains the two garbage bins, will be another two drawers, that we can use to bring in the items we have hanging on the cart, with “S” hooks. This dang thing.

When we saw this, originally, there were no holes cut in the wood, so I texted Luis to ask why this drawer was put in upside down. We had never asked for this type of thing, and, to us, it is such a waste of our little space that neither of us can stomach it. If we had as large a kitchen as we did up North, well, it would be a completely different matter.

We need the space. We are going to have them make this into the same size drawers as to the left of it. Then, as I said, we can bring in almost all, if not all, of the stuff hanging on the cart. I will take a photo of the cart, and show you what I mean.

Until then, you know what you need to do- stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Cover your mouth, wash your hands, protect your loved ones.

Post script: happy birthday to my favorite older sister. Martha is the only older sister I have, and, I could not love her more than I do. Felicidades.

Day 132

A short post today, but, an important post. I am wishing my sister, Martha, a very happy birthday. I am sure you are not allowed to know how old she is, but, I know. And I am not telling.

Happy, happy birthday, dear sister. I hope you have as many more as you can enjoy. I love you tons.

Day 131

Finally. We have heard from the dealership, and, have been denied the loan. No worries. We get our down payment back, plus, we can pay off the credit cards we have had to use during all of the remodeling we have done. Win, win, as far as we are concerned.

It is funny, in a way, though, because the bank has our account information, and, can see, in black, and, white, that we have enough money in our bank account to pay for the car in cash. We were told they did not think we could afford the vehicle. Makes us laugh. We paid cash for three vehicles in one year.

It sounds like it upsets me, but, the only thing that upsets me is the fact we were denied. Silly, I know, but he have not been denied credit in twenty years. It hurt my tender feelings.

While my tender feelings are healing, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Day 130

So as not to be outdone, I did a little of my own work. No, not the laundry, (tho, those new baskets work really well, once you open them up, and actually put clothes in them), not the dishes, either. Well, it had to do with the dishes actually. Let me show you.

When we first moved in, we put our lovely Mexican dishes in the main cupboard, and our Japanese dishes in the corner. We have recently discovered that we use the Japanese dishes more frequently than we do the Mexican dishes, so I took about fifteen minutes, and changed them up. Here is what I mean.

From this, though, actually, I had them displayed much nicer.
Settled them in the corner, where, with a clear glass cabinet door, we think they will look nicer here, all together.
Now, the Japanese dishes, that we use most often, are easier to get to. And look nicer on the shelves. These shelves were used to display the Mexican dishes, but I was unable to get the large dishes in here. You will notice them in the other photo, with the large dishes on the top two shelves.

Not much else, to show you right now. Laundry is calling me, as are the baskets, everyone crying for attention. What am I to do but respond? So, whilst I am away, working my tail off, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your loved ones.

Day 129

I have got to show you what we did this past weekend. We have had our TV up on two large totes that came to about six inches from the end of the bed, on Ivan’s side. Consequently, he has had to sidle his way to bed every night that we have been back here in the condo. So…….

Yesterday, he got off of the “couch” that we have in our room, so, if, and, when, we want, we can watch TV. He pushed away his TV tray, (we each have one that serves as our own little “desk space”), started putting together his mise en place, asked me if I would help, for which, of course, I had been waiting, and this is what we accomplished.

From this mess-
To the mise en place, to –
To this. Finally.

We have removed all of the totes from the bedroom, purchased these TV trays, which we now use as our night stands, our computer desks, and our BluRay player station. Almost everything is out from under the bed, and our room is so spacious, just as we had it planned. We are using the TV trays until Luis and Martín can get back here to finish putting up the shelves, and the cabinets.

While we wait for that, and the storm that is coming, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Day 128

I must tell you that I have become quite the computer geek.

I have a small computer arsenal at my disposal, and, on the weekends, they all come in handy, as I play in the “Wordscapes” tournaments, starting Friday evenings, through Sunday evening.

Of course, while I am doing that, I watch, or, listen to, rather, whatever show I am currently watching, on one of my other devices. So, while I have two computers working, one is charging. When one of the computers I am using looses battery power, I swap it out for a charged computer. Currently, I have my iPhone, an iPad mini, and an iPad Pro 11”. The Pro is charging, so I am using the mini to type this post, and am watching/listening to “Battlestar Gallactica”, on my iPhone, with earbuds. (Hubby is currently napping. It is hard work getting older!”

You may be interested to know that I am currently in first place in the tournament, and I won last weeks tournament as well. Yay for me. I am sure I am only competing with myself, or the computer, because, if I do not sign in until Sunday afternoon, no was has any more points than do I. It took me some time to figure out, but, that is fine with me. It keeps my mind sharp, or, I guess, sharper than if I did not play.

While I am beating the others socks off, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Day 127

I just have to laugh. Ivan, and I were watching a relative of his on FB, name unnecessary, and, Ivan was talking about different things they had done as younger men. I saw his picture on FB, and I thought, I know that guy- when he was younger. But, that was not his name. I am sure that his name was not Eddie.

Actually, Eddie could have been his name, but, it was a name I could not associate with his face. Why? Because there is not a Mexican kid, in the US, that goes by their given name. In fact, I did not know my in-laws real names for years.

Let me show you what I mean.

Edmundo was Mundo (pretty close). Ivan was Néne (not anywhere close). Yolanda- Chacha (What)? Gloria- Kiki (cannot help you, not even a little), Reynaldo- Bebon- (not going to try), Miriam- (Maráya), Maria- (Mayra Galla, my favorite. Ivan was the only one to call her that), Moises- Mo (easiest to figure out, except Ivan called him Mandamientos), and last, Rodrigo – Rog.

It was years, seriously, before I knew that Chacha was really Yolanda, or, even harder, Kiki, was really Gloria.

So, tonight, Ivan was looking at some FB posts, and I saw who he was checking out and I said “I know him. Who is he?”. Well, I could clearly see that he was Eddie, but he did not look like Eddie. This guy looked like Kino, not Eddie. I said as much and Ivan said that it was indeed Kino.

Well, for crying out loud. Do you not think, that after fifty years together, I could get some sort of syllabus that could tell me who the heck we grew up with as such and such, and what their real names are? Please? There are so many family members that I knew only as their nicknames, and never their family names, that I would enjoy being with, by means of FB, but did not know their real names.

Actually, it makes me chuckle, because, I, for one, only had a nickname as far as my dad was concerned. No one else ever called me anything but Diana, or Di, except Dad. He always called me DiddleyDi. It makes my heart swell, just typing the name. It made me his, and no one else’s.

Not until you know who came along, that is. We all know what happened after I met him! So, while you contemplate all of what came after that, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your loved ones.

Day 126

Our neighbor knocked on our door today. She spoke to me in a rapid Spanish that I could not understand. She indicated that she was going to get her husband, and I said, I’m sorry, but NO. I was not going to talk to her husband.

We have been complaining that their dogs have been bringing in so much dirt, and mud, that Jesús can’t keep up, cleaning the floor, and the stairs. He tries, but, even he feels he can’t keep up.

What are they dragging into the condo with their dogs? (Plural!!) We come up the steps, hours later, and there is mud, all over the stairs.

Ivan is talking to the administrator, and our friend, Claudia, as I type this. Hopefully, he will have some sort of impact on what is going on. He usually does.

Speaking of cleaning, we were walking through Costco the other day, when we came upon some collapsible laundry baskets. When asked if I would like a couple of them, I, of course, jumped at the chance. In our limited space, we need all of the “collapsible” we can get. So, we got two.

Though we have one hundred twenty square meters (almost thirteen hundred square feet) of living space, we are limited in our storage, as are most people. So, once the quarantine is over, Luis, and Martín are coming back to finish putting in cabinets in our bedroom, our bathroom, and shelves in the living room. That should help us unload the black and yellow totes we have all over the place.

When they finish the construction, I will post more photos of the transition. Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Day 125


I do not know if you read the post, some time back, when I lost a filling, the last metal filling in my mouth, in my “tooth from Hell”. La Dentista (Priscila) filled it, temporarily, with some horrid something that smelled, and, even worse, tasted like a mouthful of cloves. I accidentally swallowed it. Well,

My tooth is better than new. La Dentista spent about thirty minutes, picking, and scraping, a home for the new silicone “implant”. She had taken a mold of the offending tooth, sent it to the lab she uses, and implanted the new tooth this morning.

That tooth has been my “tooth from Hell” most of my adult life. Now, it is as it always should have been. She is a marvel. Seriously.

I have said this before, and, I am going to say it again- her hands are so steady, no shaking, ever. It makes it so much easier for me to relax. We just love her. (You know I loathe going to the dentist.)

Now that that trauma is over, we are on out way to the dealership to drop off papers. Always more paperwork. It is taking forever to get approved, or not.

While we wait to hear the verdict, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Day 124

There is nothing quite like the ubiquitous, delicious, unavailable baked potato.

Here, there are only two types of potatoes- sweet, and thin skinned white. There is no other potato in this area. It was discovered that those two types grew best in this climate, though I would disagree most heartily. If I can grow white, red, and bakers, they should be able to here. Who is with me?

I told Ivan yesterday that, whenever we go up North again, one of the first things I have to eat, is a baked potato with butter and salt.

Until then, enjoy your baked potatoes, and, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.