Day 228

I was thinking the other day, that, in four short months I will have been retired two years. I am thinking, right now, that that was the fastest two years I have lived through in recent memory.

Even though my memory is not what it used to be, the time has gone by very quickly.

The only unfortunate thing is that we have been in a pseudo quarantine for almost a year now. We do get out, at least weekly, but it is always a risk, if we do not pay attention to where we are, or, the people around us.

I try to explain to our family, and, friends here, that, when outside, you do not need to wear a mask, but, definitely, when in a room, or building, with others. Viruses are normally spread by droplets; they do not float around in the air. Another very important reason to wash your hands, with soap and water, at every opportunity.

We have been informed of another cousin that has fever, cough, and muscle aches. He tried to get tested Sunday and Monday, but the clinic’s are closed on Sundays, and it was a holiday, here, on Monday. Hopefully he has not infected anyone else at the house, and is feeling better.

While we wait to find out the results, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Day 227

They are here!! The guys!! You know, Luis, and Martín, and someone else. They are here with the cabinet for our bedroom.

Ivan and I have taken them around to show them all of the other things we want to happen. So far, they seem very receptive. I think that confinement, and lack of work have made them receptive to both ideas- work and money. Good for all of us.

This is what they brought.

This replaced the shoe closets that were there before.

Here is a photo of the “guys “.

A lot more coming in the kitchen and living room. I will keep you posted.

While we wait, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Day 226

We are out, running errands today. The weather is so incredible here, a cool sixty one degrees Fahrenheit, sixteen degrees Celsius.

Interesting that sixty one in the fall is so much nicer than sixty one in the summer. There is a cool, gentle breeze that allows a long sleeved shirt to be worn, without dying of heat prostration.

I said to Ivan, as we were leaving the garage, the only way to really know it is fall down here is because of all of the leaves on the streets.

We are on our way to the grocer for tomatoes, onions, etc. While we are driving, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Day 220

Yesterday, Ivan was out, and about, with Enrique, and came home with two bottles of the most wonderful tasting honey imaginable. I wish now, that I had had the foresight to take a photo of it in the original bottles. (The original bottles are the old fashioned quart milk bottles).

I also wish that I could describe the flavor of this honey to you. It is, however, so elusive, that it is hard to describe. I think I taste vanilla, or, better yet, a hint of, (ok, just think about this), snickerdoodle cookies. Just a hint, mind you.

So, when was the last time you had to try to describe the flavor of honey, one that did not taste like “ordinary”, mass produced honey? Huh? Probably never, will be your answer. It is not easy, because the flavor is not like anything you have ever eaten, in your life.

The honey is local, he thinks, and bought “en la calle”, on the street. Some things should never be bought on the street, from a street vendor, but honey is definitely not one of those things.

Frequently, the street vendors have products that are produced from an original source, more “organic’ if you will: a farmer; a bee keeper (in this case); a woman that weaves with string, and beads; a man that weaves with pine needles. Their products are not mass produced, refined, homogenized. They have flavor, texture, beauty, simple elegance.

When we get the shelving finished in the living room, we will find all of the treasures that we have purchased over the years, and display them. Most of what we have were handmade by someone, imperfect in the final product, but beautiful beyond words because of their imperfections.

None of the furniture, that we have in the condo, is perfect, nor did we want them to be. All of the furniture we have is, and will be, handmade to our specifications. In fact, our entire condo has been remodeled to what we want, not what the builders decided thirty years ago.

While we wait for the bicycles, the shelves, our office, to get here, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Post script: day seven without an “elected” president in the US.

Day 213

As I am typing this post, it is still election day. The weather is absolutely gorgeous, about fifty two degrees Fahrenheit, twelve degrees Celsius. The sky is overcast and we are on our way to have breakfast at Toks.

We had a bit of work done on the Mercedes, recently, and will take a taxi to pick it up, after breakfast, of course.

We have decided to keep it for another year or two, and, having come to that decision, must maintain it responsibly. The power steering needed to be drained, and refilled; the windshield washer reservoir needed fixing, as the fluid kept leaking; the oil needed to be changed to synthetic, and, there was a faulty part having something to do with the power steering as well. So, for about a half million dollars, we should, once again, have a smooth driving, smooth riding car. (Though, truth be told, we both enjoy the BMW so much more).

We have just ordered “tres café Americanos”, three American coffees, but, are still waiting to order breakfast. While we wait, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Post script: the car drives, and rides, like we are floating on a cloud. Thank you, again, AutoFix.

Day 212

Today is the day folks, when the future of the United States is to be decided. Either the beginning of the end, with Biden, or, on to another prosperous future with President Trump. We have already voted. Have you?

Try to imagine, those of you that have not retired yet, Biden is going to stop Medicare, AND, your SS benefits, if elected. Do not know about you, but to have worked all of one’s life, hoping to retire with one’s SS benefits and Medicare, only to have them taken from one would be a disaster. Only you can be responsible for such a future.

Those of us that are already receiving our benefits will keep them. Those of you still working will have to continue to work in order to have anything whatsoever.

Until the votes are counted, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

God bless the US.

Day 211

Have I told you that I am still growing out my hair? As it is now, it is just to my shoulders, and it has so much more salt than pepper, it is really starting to look descent.

Yesterday, however, I was as ready to shave my head. Today, I am more relaxed, more amenable to letting it grow. It is definitely more work than I care about giving it, but, Ivan likes it, so there it that.

You can just see the black and gold headband.

I wear headbands that match whatever I am wearing, and that helps, some. To have hair in my face, however, makes me crazy(er) than usual. I cannot stand the tiny wisps touching my face; it feels like bugs.

We shall see what happens when we start riding the bikes. Probably going to do the “bun” business with a baseball cap and be done with it.

When all this takes place, I will let you know. Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Day 210

The other day, we received eight zipped plastic “bags” of black garlic that I ordered from Amazon. We have never tried black garlic, but have heard about the health benefits thereof.

WOW! We were completely blown away by the tastes, and textures, of the de fe w de q no . It was nothing like we expected. It was dark, soft, muddy, vanilla in taste, hard to describe, actually. It was wonderful!!!

And, yesterday, we got the box of goodies, from my sister in law, that she received from Amazon, in our name. It was like Christmas. We were both digging through the box, looking for the things we each ordered. I got sixteen packs of seeds for my indoor herb garden; Ivan got his Fannie May mint chocolates, and, his favorites, Truffles.

Another fun fact- I ordered our bicycles from the other day. Wow. The savings account took a bit of a hit with that. They are from Schwinn, the tires are only twenty inches tall, and it is foldable, and, about twenty four pounds in weight. The fold-ability will allow us to take them up to the condo, for safety. If you look them up on line, they are called the Loop. In case you do not want to look it up, here are a few photos.

I cannot wait to start riding the bikes. We have a newly remodeled bike, and walking path less than a kilometer from the condo that is absolutely breathtaking. New palm trees, new flowering plants, on both sides of the path with the Rio Churubusco (river) running through it. (I could not help myself). I have no idea how long it is, or the altitude of the terrain but will find out in a few short weeks.

The bike should be here in two to four weeks, so, while we wait, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Day 204

It is about nine twenty two; it is Sunday night, October twenty fifth, and I just realized, DLS time must have ended last night! Nobody told me!

When I went out to the kitchen just now, by golly, the stove said it was ten twenty three. Hmmm.

Each morning, my CPAP cleaning machine, the SoClean2, is scheduled to start up at eleven o’clock, and runoff ten minutes. Today, however, thinking back on it, it started at ten o’clock. Weird, I thought at the time.

Now, I realize, for some reason, we have already changed the clocks here. (All of our clocks, watches, phones, computers, etc., are automatically changed by computer). My calendar shows that this should not happen until next Sunday! What the heck?

Actually, somewhere in my feeble memory, I am thinking that the same thing happened last year. I am so confused.

Anyway, on another subject altogether, my bread is becoming increasingly easier to make with each loaf. While we wait for more bread, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Day 202

Ivan and I watched a video, the other day, on YouTube that had physicians giving a press conference about the ineffectiveness of masks against the CoVid 19 pandemic.

They were saying that people are, once again, becoming complacent about their personal hygiene. If people would use their common sense, stay away from people that appear to be ill, wash their hands at every opportunity, the virus would not be rearing its ugly head again.

They were quoting Dr. Fauci, the Director of Infectious Diseases, as saying that he felt masks, in, and of, themselves would be ineffective in the long run. This is a virus, not a bacteria; they are very different in the bodies reaction to them.

Depending on the specific viral strain, it can live, for varying periods, on inanimate objects, being transmitted from one to another by droplets, physical contact, ingestion, to name a few.

However, a virus is like a “lock”, needing a specific “key” to unlock it. Therefore, you may have, and probably have, already been exposed, but are asymptotic, without symptoms.

Bacteria, on the other hand, are quite opportunistic, and infect a host much more easily. Bacteria can be treated with antibiotics, whereas, with a virus, at least prior to this virus, one can only treat the symptoms; fever, chills, and, cough. The virus has to “run its course “.

We are trying to wait, patiently, for this to be over, done. While we do that, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.