Ding Dongs™

Several months ago, Ivan wanted to buy Ding Dongs ™ so J&L, and Gaby, of course, could try them. (Not to mention that they are Ivan’s favorites.)

We couldn’t find them anywhere, so he went online, of course, to Mercado Libre, and found them there. Having found them, he ordered 2 boxes of 12 which would be delivered within the week.

Great. Can’t wait.

Time went by, but I didn’t remember that he said they had been delivered. So, I asked him.

He replied, rather sheepishly, that they had, indeed, been delivered. Period. Nothing else. No other comment, or response.

Ok. No big deal. I didn’t need one anyway. I went on about my business, and didn’t think anything else about them until one day

I was walking through the pantry, and caught, out of the corner of my eye, something I hadn’t noticed before. It was very dark in the pantry, so when I turned on the light, and looked at whatever that was, I started laughing. Maybe you’ll do the same.

There are, indeed, 2 boxes of 12, and they are definitely labeled as Ding Dongs™, but they are definitely not the kind we used to get in the States. Take a look.

Now we have all of these cups of Ding Dong™ flavored coffee, but have no way of using them. Do you think we can empty them into the nest of our percolator, and brew them that way?

Let me know. Until next we meet,

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Repeat.

Post script: this is the second draft of this post as after I typed, completely, the first version, (which, I think, was actually better), when I went to touch “Save Draft” I accidentally touched “Discard”. Unfortunately, there is no prompt to ask you if you are sure you want to discard it.


Sorry. It’s me. I was gone but I’m back now.


The other night, I made my first pan of lasagna in a year.

I found a recipe on line, of course, after searching for Lasagna for Two. It is absolutely delicious. And, as it happened, I had all of the ingredients I wanted to use in the fridge, some of which needed to be used quickly.

I did some substitutions such as using 3 different cottage cheeses, instead of ricotta cheese. I had an “Italian sausage” link that needed to be eaten, so I took off the outer skin, and used that with the ground beef. Also, we had a few zucchini squashes, small though they were, that I was able to use, and some mushrooms, both of which were about a week passed their “use by” dates. (Once they were all roughly chopped, and sautéed, everything looked pristine.)

Anyway, all was assembled, dishes were done, and the results were better than I expected. The red meat sauce was quite flavorful, as I added about 2Tbs. of dried Italian seasonings, freshly purchased from Costco, some onion, and garlic powders, and S&P.

The white sauce of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, and another 2Tbs. Italian seasonings was blended, and made for a few wonderful layers in said lasagna.

The zucchini, onions, garlics, and mushrooms, all sautéed in butter, were another layer of incredible flavors, one that will forever be added to our lasagna in the future. The last layer added was of cut up fresh spinach. Never leave out the spinach.

I cannot tell you how good this lasagna turned out. Suffice it to say, two slices are reheating in the oven as I am typing this.

Until we meet again, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.


We’ve done an about face recently.

We have come to the conclusion that where we live now, in our beautiful apartment, in the neighborhood we are in, is to be our forever home; not in Veracruz, as we had thought.

We have come to a parting of the ways with our friends, the Garcia’s, so it seems anyway. They say everything is ok, but their actions have proven otherwise.

Personally, I feel we have tried to bring them into the 21st century too quickly. We have upgraded their lives beyond their comfort zones.

We have tried to educate them beyond what would be comfortable for them alongside their families.

I never thought I would be a part of such a rejection of all things made to better ones life, or the lives of their children, and extended families. However, we are not here to judge them, nor be judged by them.

Now that that has all been mourned over, we have gotten on with our lives, and are starting to retake our apartment. We have packed up all of their things, put them in the portable stroller we bought them, plus a large tote, and will ask them to come down, and take it all upstairs. Where they will put it all is no longer our concern.

Also, as they are using our storage space on the roof, they will need to clean that out as well. We will move the plethora of extra “things” we had bought, to take to the other house, up into the storage unit. It will free up so much room in here that we will be able to live normally again.

After 3 years in this apartment, we were so excited to get space under the bed again. I can’t imagine how beautiful this apartment will be when we get all of the totes out of here. I’ll keep you apprised.

Next post I’m going to show you the “gardening” I’ve been doing. So much nicer than it was.


Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Stay vigilant.

Important update: Jesús, and Liz have come down, and collected all of their stuff, but insist that we all remain friends. They even asked us to go to Los Altos with them when they go again. Can’t wait. So, all is well here.

Plus, we have half of the living room open, without “junk”. Yay. Win-win.


The other day Ivan asked me if I knew why barns were, generally, painted red.

Of course, I had to say that I didn’t, because who knows stuff like that? Certainly not I.

Do you?

Ivan told me the farmers painted their barns with the blood of livestock from their farm. Ok. Right! Uh huh. Sure.

Turns out, he is right. As usual.

I Googled it, and came up with a couple of different answers.

In turns out that wealthy farmers painted their barns with red paint mixed with linseed oil, and the blood of a recently slaughtered animal, which changed the color from bright red to a darker, burnt red.

Initially, however, barns were painted with a protective varnish, usually containing linseed oil, lime, or iron oxide, which, when drying in the sun, changed the color to the red ochre seen today.

Continuing on this theme, barns painted black, usually only in the Southern states, retain heat, and usually contain tobacco. The heat helps the tobacco dry faster, causing less waste from mold, and mildew growth. Nowadays, however, farmers growing tobacco use fans, and other means to keep their tobacco dry.

Now that you know all of that, please, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. It ain’t over yet.


Well, I moved the furniture the other afternoon, just as I said I was going to.

Everything went 45º clockwise, and here is the result.

It took about two hours to finish because I had to vacuum a dozen times, maybe more, and then mop the entire floor. Nothing is under the bed at present, and I would love to keep it that way. It is expensive storage real estate so I don’t know how successful that will be. Or how practical. (Who does this? Vacuuming, and mopping? Not me, not often.)

Both of the walls will soon be given a bit of a boost with some of the art we have bought over our years together, and some we’ve been given. I can’t wait to see how it all looks. Of course, I’ll show you, too.

Yes, I took down the wind chimes. They’ll probably go in the other bedroom.

As our lives go, though, shortly after we took the chimes down, we all went outside for an earthquake alarm!!!!

I’ll let you know how the sleeping goes. Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Hard work

I did more hard work Saturday, than I have done in an entire year.

Seriously!!! We want to move our bed 45º, from West facing to South facing. Not Feng shui so we’ll see what happens.

In order to do that, however, the entire contents of the space underneath said bed needed to be removed, moved elsewhere, and cleaned. Ugh!

Ivan started out helping me, then, as if by a miracle, he wandered away, to another room, and I didn’t see him until I was done cleaning. Funny how that happens.

I should have, but didn’t, take a photo of all of the stuff underneath, but didn’t, because I didn’t want to lose my momentum. It was too depressing.

Now, however, there is nothing under the bed, except a dust bunny warren. That, too, is going; as soon I regain some energy. I’m beat.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.


My SSA checks for March, and April have been deposited!

Just so you understand, that was Tuesday that we went to the Embassy, and today, well, yesterday when you read this, (Friday), both months checks are in our account. I guess the government here can, and does move quickly for some things.

This happened once before, a couple of years ago, but I remembered that it didn’t take long for everything to be straightened out. Thank the Lord.

Next year, and probably every year going forward, we’ll just take the form to the Embassy when it arrives. Have a little drive around the city. 😉

Now I can get back to paying off those pesky cards, and, hopefully, by mid autumn, we will be out from under the debt.

We’ll talk again, soon. Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Credit cards

We can’t live with them, and we can’t live without them.

Not just yet, anyway.

At the moment, however, I can’t even get on two of the websites to make any changes, or look at charges made.

Why not, you ask?

The websites want to send me a one time code number to use to verify “me”, but can’t send the message to the phone number here in CDMX!!!!!

I have called both companies, and neither is able to help me. They won’t send a code number to an email address, which I can kind of understand, but I don’t ever receive a number using our cell phone numbers here. (I should have kept a US cell phone number. Double duh!

Not sure how to handle this at the moment. Will let you know what comes of it.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Don’t let your guard down just yet.

It has begun

The rainy season has started; two days ago.

Tonight, however, there was a lightning strike incredibly close to the condo. The thunder, and lightning happened simultaneously, seemingly, just outside our bedroom window.

We both jumped about an inch off our chairs. We waited for the electricity to go off, but have been let off the hook this time.

We can hear the thunder rolling off into the distance, without any rain, at the moment. Spring has arrived.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

PS: about the copy of my passport for the other day. I took my pretty red, clear, plastic portfolio with me, that has all of my information regarding my residency in it, and there it was- the copy of my licensures. I didn’t need it anyway. Yay.


We arrived “downtown”, somewhat close to the Embassy, with 18 minutes to spare.

Unfortunately, the taxi driver let us out about 6 blocks too soon. Great. Now we needed to haul arse.

We did.

My back will never be the same, however. I’m too fat to walk slowly much less in a hurry.

We got to the Embassy, and there were 2 people ahead of us asking about passports.



Please?!?! 😚

I got to the window, and the girl behind the glass started to stand up as if going on a break. I put my paper, informing her of my appointment, through the window slot, and she kindly sat back down. I told her all I needed to do was give my form, and I showed her, to someone in the SSA department, nothing else. She said, if I wanted, she would deliver it herself in about 5 minutes.

I almost cried.

She asked me to write my phone number on the form, gave me her pen, I did that, and away we went.

Needless to say, we thanked her profusely, then went to find a taxi home.

Did I mention that the taxi rides cost us $280 pesos each direction? That’s $14 each way. Mind you it’s about 10 miles each direction but about 30-50 minutes, depending on the time of day.

We did it. We were both so much more relaxed we just smiled at each other.

Thanks for following along with us, and remaining patient as we live our lives, hoping to do something worth being written about. 😂

Until something else exciting happens, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.