Car batteries

It is amazing just how important your car’s battery is, is it not? Without a fully charged battery, you can go nowhere in your car. How easily we take these things for granted.

We had gotten ready to go to Costco recently, went outside, got in the Mercedes, turned the key, and sat there, staring at the dashboard in utter silence. Ivan turned the key again- nothing. What?!?

It has been years since we had a vehicle that did not start. It is so frustrating!! I want to get in it, and see if my key will start it. Of course not. (I was sure that my key would magically start it, but, alas, it did not. I really knew it would not- but I was trying to be hopeful).

Well, Ivan has a super duper charger that should have us going fairly quickly. Stay tuned.

He tried charging it with two different chargers to no effect. Then, he tried jumping it with Marcos car- nada. Lastly, and miraculously it worked, he jumped the battery with one of Juan’s Mercedes. Yay.

So now, we are on our way to AutoZone to have them check, and replace (more than likely) the battery. It only had a four year guarantee so it is probably time. By for now.

Post script: We did not go to AutoZone, Marco took us to Runsa Auto parts, and they checked the battery.