
We have found the ultimate butter brand.


I had been making butter from whipping cream for about 4 months. That was until we discovered the Aguascalientes brand of everything dairy.

The butter is almost white, it is so pure. The crema, (cream), is also so white, and smooth. The taste of each is superlative. (Isn’t that a wonderful word?)

Bonus: we can buy them online at Mercado Libre. We found them in a store but can’t remember which one it was. Duh!!!

As I have been watching so many videos on YT about Mexican cooking, and so many of the cooks use squirt bottles, it seemed to me to be the way to go.

So I did.

The two different salsas I make, green, and red, obviously, the two bottles on the left, while the two different cremas, media crema, (half & half), and full crema, are on the right, respectively.

I put the salsas, and cremas on just about everything we eat, now that they are all so easy to access. I can’t tell you the difference it makes in the flavor of the meal. I will also mention, quietly, how much more fun it is to squirt them, easily, from bottles as opposed to scraping them out of containers!

I found out the other day that the media crema acts, and tastes very much like the real crema, but has a slightly different texture to it. These subtle differences make very little difference in the flavor of what you are eating.

Our commonly used oils- avocado, olive, and grape seed.

If this gives you a push to put commonly used oils, salsas, cremas into squeeze bottles, good on you. They are a convenience I highly recommend.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.