Busy, busy, busy

Well, sort of.

I have been blessed to have my health, and my sourdough starter, both, back in full swing. When I took ill, so did the starter. I am happy to say that we are both recovered, in good spirits, and doing well.

I have been busy, lately, cleaning the apartment, doing laundry, making more Kombucha, and, baking bread; forgetting to mention dehydrating some veg, and, my favorite thing of all time, dusting. Ugh!

Living with the windows open, twenty four-seven, comes with a price; bi, or, sometimes tri-weekly vacuuming, and, (shudder) dusting. I have no problem whatsoever with the former, but loathe the latter. When we get the totes up to the rooftop storage, and have acquired more horizontal, open space, I am going to have Liz help me with the cleaning. She offered, I graciously accepted; pleaded, truth be told.

We will be good company for each other, as she is a joy to be around. Plus, I will be able to pass along some of my knowledge, such as the different types of food preservation; dehydrating, fermentation, etc., baking. Also, while she helps me learn more Spanish, I can help both her, and Gaby, learn some English. Win-win, to my way of thinking.

I do, at times, forget that I am quickly approaching sixty six, and, cannot do all of the things I used to do. I have lost a lot of my strength, what with my recent retirement, and, then, this forced semi-incarceration. Nor do I have the stamina I once had. I have become more sedate; it does not look good on me.

I enjoy, however, the ability to choose how busy I am; the ability to decide that I will do this thing today, or, maybe, wait to do it until tomorrow. I am no longer forced to cram everything I want to do in the few hours I have between coming home from work, and going to bed, at nine o’clock. Now, I am as busy as I want to be, when I want to be. It is liberating.

In signing off for today, know that the plants are surviving, the fermentation’s are well, and fermenting, and we are healthy, and happy. We hope you are, as well.

Please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: here is a look at another batch of sourdough bread, using about ten percent sprouted Einkorn berries. It smells devine.