Busy bee

What have I been busy doing, you ask? Let me show you.

First, let me tell you that we received our first meat order from meat.me.mx this morning. I cannot wait to taste everything. Well, everything being 1 1/2 kilos of 80/20 ground beef, and 1 1.2 kilos of ground pork. Once they both thaw out, I am planning to mix them, equally, then vacuum seal them, and find a spot in our already stuffed freezer.

Before that can happen, however, I have requested Jesús and Liz come down, each with a shopping bag, and help reallocate said freezer items to their space, upstairs. They just came, took about 5 kilos of chicken, 6 pork chops, a kilo of bier brats, 6 pieces of tilapia, and some veggies. Now, I can relax, and breathe again.

Back to the meat. We also bought 2 1/2 kilos of New York steak, but not already cut into steaks. It is not large enough to be considered a primal cut, but it appears to be worth 4 or 5 steaks cut to about 4 cm. thick. (I am going to stop doing the conversions.)

Our first order from Meat.me.mx. I hope the flavor is such that it will not be the last order.

The other day, I spent some time cutting off the stems and leaves from 3 separate hands full of Italian basil that I had ordered, on 2 different occasions, from Justo™, one of my latest favorite apps. It was quite tedious, let me just say, and I hope not to have to do it again, anytime soon. That said, I gathered the leaves up, put them into a ziplock bag, reusable, of course, and put them in the freezer. Today, I transferred them to a vacuum sealed bag, in which I left quite a bit of space at the top to reseal the bag as I use some of its contents.

Before: three bunches of basil.
After: you can see the leaves through the bag.

Let me see, what else have I been doing? Oh, I had 8 poblano peppers delivered yesterday afternoon, but could not get up the energy to deal with them, so today, I spent a couple of hours getting rid of the seeds and veins, and roasting them in the big oven, along with 2 beautiful yellow bell peppers. After they cooled down, I peeled the skins off each one, and vacuum sealed them. They are now ready to be used when needed.

I also spent a small amount of time dividing up a huge leek for freezing. I have never seen such a large leek, except down here. They do not sell leeks with the 1” or so diameter, no. They are about 3” around and 2 or more kilos in weight. Let me show you.

Obviously the top end of said mammoth leek.
The base.
The yield.

I think I will order a few kilos of potatoes, and make some potato with leek soup. Sounds yummy. I will be able to use up some table cream that I have in the fridge. Win, win.

In the meantime, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. Consider carpooling with fellow employees.