
Here, there is every type of bus you can imagine. Some are very old buses, that stay within a their “colonies”, (probably subdivisions), but, from all appearances, look to be life threatening. Then, there are the large city buses, most of which are newer, and much more energy efficient.

The right, outer lane, on all of the major thoroughfares, is reserved for the buses, and, there are hundreds of them. Cars and motorcycles can use those lanes, occasionally, but risk being bullied by the bus drivers.

Driving down any street that has buses on it, one always risks having one pull out in front of you. And, when they pull out, look out, because they rarely stop. We have figured out that they must have an odd notion that, since they are bigger than anything else around them, they can do as they like.

Most of the main roads, here, are at least four lanes in each direction, and each lane is usually filled with one and a half cars. So, when a bus pulls out, and you are a hares breath from all of the cars around you, there is no place to go.

Because of this horrid bit of driving experience, I find it very difficult to ride in the front, passenger seat. Actually, it sends my nerves into overload. We pass cars, within an inch, not inches, on my side, which, of course, makes me inhale quickly, and loudly. I told Ivan the other day, that is what keeps us from hitting them- the quick inhalation. It somehow, metaphysically, keeps the two vehicles from touching. He just gives me “the look”.

Some of you must know what I mean by “the look”, right? That look that says “I used to know you when you had brains. Right now, I am, truly, not so sure who you are”. But, then, he chuckles, and says that I might be right, who knows? We procede to our destination, my guts in my chest. Enough said.

I try to equate driving here to, similarly, driving in Chicago, or, say, Houston, perhaps. But, no! There is no equaling this driving experience with any of those cities. This is every person for themselves, yet, they all seem to understand their, and your, boundaries. It is organized chaos, and, completely beyond me.

PLUS, Ivan pointed out to me, just this evening, that I am driving without a license issued here in México!!! What is up with that? I never gave it a thought! In fact, tonight, I said “you don’t think my Iowa license will cut it”? Again, I got “the look”.

He loves me. He tells me so, all of the time. Poor guy. Having to put up with the likes of me, for all of eternity. Ha! (If his mother had her way, it could just as easily have been Ana!!!)

Yolanda, (M-I-L) I was, by far, his best choice. Trust me on this.