
Have we talked, yet, about dried bugs? Eating them, that is.

I feel as if I have already written about cooking with dried bugs, grasshoppers (chapulines), flying ants (chicatanas), and the worm found at the bottom of a bottle of Mezcal (gusano de maguey).

We bought a small bottle of each, online, of course, and are enjoying them immensely. Each contains one of the aforementioned dried bug, plus salt, and, to top it off, chile de árbol. Wow. It lights up a salsa even more than adding more chiles. It also raises the taste to the next level. I just wish I could buy the bugs, dried, by themselves. Not yet. Maybe in the future.

Newest food additives.

I only use a quarter teaspoon, probably less, in each of the preparations I add a salsa. I just sprinkle a bit on top, the mix it in. It ends up being one of those elusive flavors that you taste, but are not able to identify, yet it makes whatever you are eating just a bit better, somehow.

Right now, I am boiling some cactus (nopales), with multi colored grape and cherry tomatoes, and burning the outside of four poblano peppers, to add to my already cooked red, yellow, and orange bell peppers, with onions. Yum!!

As I need to do one thing to completion, I need to say stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.