Broken screen

Woohoo! Ivan bought another 12” screen for my 12” iPad Pro. Remember? The one that I pushed off my tray, in the bedroom, accidentally, several months ago?

He is going to replace it with a new one. How cool is that?

I cannot wait because, for ease of use, better visualization, etc., this is a much better iPad than the 11”.

Remember this?

I know how that sounds; “why can’t she be happy with what she has?” I am, really. But when these two are the only means of paying bills, communicating with others, searching the www for anything, and everything, I want the better of the two; the 12”.

Ok, so I can use my phone, but, what if? What if I misplace it? Or break it? Or it is stolen? Then what?

Nothing, really. I would buy another phone. But, as none of those things is going to happen, I want him to repair the face of the iPad that I broke. He is so good with computers, it probably will not take him any time at all. He is watching multiple videos on YT to make sure he has the procedure down pat, and off we will go.

He has replaced several faces of iPhones, before we left Iowa, and a couple of iPad mini’s, but never a 12”. They appear to be a bit more complex than the average Apple anything.

You should hear the birds singing. Just now, I heard a beautiful song, only lasting a few seconds, but it took my thoughts away from my broken screen for a moment.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.