
There are subtle differences in the different brands of Brandy that we drink.

I have discovered one tonight.

For the last little while we have been drinking the Presidente brand, but the type of Presidente has been Classico. Most recently I have switched to the type called Solera.

What a difference.

I don’t know if Ivan has discovered it yet, but a few weeks ago, I squirreled away about 6 ounces of the Classico, just for experimental purposes. 😉

For the last 3, maybe 4 months, we have been enjoying the Solera on the weekend evenings. Smooth, oaky flavored, easy to go to sleep with, and sleep all night. Yay!!

Tonight, however, I drank the 6 ounces of the Classico, and it was like taking amphetamines.

I cleaned the bathroom in our room, and am contemplating cleaning the kitchen in a few minutes. No wonder I haven’t been able to sleep at night!!!

Well, I’m stuck with it for tonight, so I guess I’ll try to clean the kitchen quietly, with the lights dimmed, and no vacuum to sweep the floor. Damn. Going to have to use the broom.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.