
Baby Brandon is doing very well on day 3.

I am going to find out from Liz, or Jesús just how much he weighed, but he looks to be much the same size as our daughter, Elisha, was when she was born. She weighed only 61 ounces, or 1.71 kilos. Brandon looks about the same. Still with all of the small hairs on his face, just like she had. It is like looking back in time.

When he cries, he sounds like a large cat, though he’s really just a wee small bairn. Yes, I am almost finished listening to the entire Outlander series.

He is nursing well, not terrific, but he’s learning. I will post photos as I can, but currently he is deep inside a cocoon of blankets. Down here, that is what they do. I have never seen the like before, but this is what they are used to doing. So be it. Liz’ mom, Alicia, is here, to help her, for the next 3 weeks.

Not much else to tell you, except they, and we, are all doing well at present. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

3 thoughts on “Brandon”

  1. I had to laugh at your referring to Brandon as a bairn! I’ve been reading the Outlander books myself. Have to wonder how it would be to go back 200 years in time…🧐

    1. Thanks for staying with me JoAnn. As to going back in time, I think it would have been hot, dirty, smelly, and loaded with germs. But I love the look of the clothing. 😂😂

      1. I agree…it would be dirty, smelly, lots of germs, lots of work! I would miss running water and electricity! She certainly has a healthy libido!😲😄
        I’m sure I’ve read all your blogs, btw. I’ve gotten concerned when there was a long time between some of your posts. Hoped you weren’t ill (with Covid especially). But sounds like you are doing well!

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