Breathtaking Bougainvillea

I know I have said in an earlier post, but bougainvilleas are, bar none, my favorite flowering bush/tree. They grow in some of the most beautiful colors that make you smile reflexively. Here are just a few stock photos I found to illustrate just how magical they are. I hope you enjoy them. I will add my own photos when I can.

This is the flame-red bougainvillea.
Pink bougainvillea.
Deep blue bougainvillea.
Magenta bougainvillea.

Many years ago, we bought a painting by a friend of ours, here in CDMX, Rocio is her name (photo below), and it showcases the beauty of the bougainvillea in a way that made me anxious to move here, and someday, have bougainvilleas of our own.

A simple life, full of beauty.

I hope you enjoy these few examples of the bougainvillea, and, an even larger hope is that they bring a smile to your heart every time you see a bougainvillea.

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