
I made my first attempt at baking bolillos today, which turned out to be not as hoped. Onward, and upward.

They do not look bad, and, actually, look very much like the ones in the photo I was using as a comparison. Unfortunately, they are quite bagel-like in their external texture, and are a bit difficult to bite into. I, however, enjoy that texture, but others, (read everyone else except me) do not.

Again, I think this is because so much of the different breads eaten up North have different, and sometimes, tougher textures. Breads, and desserts here, are usually quite soft, and easy to chew. Tortillas are soft as well. Very few people eat tostadas even.

Anyway, the bolillos with which we have to compare are quite lovely here. They are easy to bite into, and pillowy soft inside. Damn. I have to find a recipe to replicate this phenomenon. It is not easy, I am here to tell you. Maybe just a bread recipe that I can shape into the bolillo shape. Hmmm. Worth trying.

The lighter ones in the foreground will be eaten as tortas, and the rest will become bread crumbs, and used later.
This is how they looked on line.

For now, most of these will become bread crumbs, as Liz, and I, both make milanesa fairly often. It is very similar to a chicken Parmesan, but we don not use a sauce, just bread the flattened protein. Yum.

While I figure out how to replicate the bolillos we buy in the store, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I spoke too soon. Jesús, Liz, and Gaby just came down, and have eaten three of them. So, a batch will be going with them in the morning. They loved the flavor, and the texture. Score.