
Not really a writers block per se, just not much to tell you.

This last week we have been rearranging all of the totes that we still have in the apartment. We are not finished with the remodel yet, as there is still one queen Murphy bed to come, plus at least two more dressers. We are also going to add a few small shelves, just on the right side of the closet, which will allow us to put the small felt “bins” I bought, to hold our clothes; well, mine, really.

I have tons of Lula Roe bottoms, and a ton of Pico bamboo tops, to go with the bottoms. They all fold/roll up to fit into probably two of the aforementioned bins. I do not really need a dresser as I have decreased the amount of clothes I have exponentially since moving.

I believe I had so many clothes in defense of having to go two flights down, and up, to wash all of them. Since the laundry area is a few feet from any room here, it seemed senseless to have all of those clothes. I have given away quite a bit, but have quite a bit more to go through, and “share”.

Liz has started coming downstairs to help us with the cleaning. She, and Jesús, are cleaning wizards. Personally, it is a combination of youth, and vigor; neither of which we still possess.

Not only does she clean like a crazy woman, she helps me with my Spanish. I still have to refer to my Google Translate app, but not as much as I used to. Even Gaby, their four year old, helps me. We help each other, actually. Though, it is difficult for me to understand adult spoken Spanish at times, it is even more difficult to understand it when spoken by a four year old. Trust me.

We have gone through all of the bedding I bought, and used, from up North, and have given quite a bit of that away. It is embarrassing to have so much when others have so little.

We found, too, that quite a bit needs laundering, so, while I do that, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: thank you to those that remembered my sixty sixth birthday the other day! It was a productive day.