Black Friday

Black Friday here was two weeks ago. It, like up North, lasted four long days. Bumper to bumper traffic in, and around, all of the shopping centers- most importantly, our beloved Sam’s Club, and Costco.

Normally we would have stayed home during that time, but, we decided, on the Monday, day four, to take a chance, and venture forth. We went to Sam’s Club.

What we saw, I do not recall ever seeing before, in my entire life. There were lines, at the twenty, or more, registers, going towards the back of the store, with, easily, eighteen to twenty people deep, maybe more. All with carts loaded to overflowing with televisions, clothes, toys, food- anything, and everything. Everything was on sale.

We should have left when we reached the parking lot at Sam’s Club, and saw that it was almost completely packed. But, no! We bravely made our way into the store. Then we turned around, and made our way back out of the store.

Now, me, being the rather frugal person I am, realized, in mere seconds, that, as we had not purchased anything, we would have to pay twenty four pesos for the parking lot. Thinking, ever-so-quickly, on the fly, I fished out an old Sam’s Club receipt, from my purse, gave it to my co-conspirator, Ivan, who took it to get the discount ticket, so we could leave, paying only the usual five pesos. Since there were hundreds of others trying to leave at the same time, we went unnoticed.

I can hear someone thinking that that was not really the right thing to do. Too bad, says I. We have to pay every place we park. Consider it as ingenuity at its best.

Happy Black Friday everyone. I hope you get some really awesome deals on all of the presents you are buying, and, at such great discounts. BFN.

One thought on “Black Friday”

  1. Funny thing, Brian and I went to Sam’s here in Davenport parking lot was packed like I’ve never seen before. We never stopped.

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