Bien frío

Really cold.

I have to tell you that I have no problem sleeping in a very cold bed, room, or house.

I draw the line, however, at having to sit on an ice cold, 40ºF toilet seat.

It’ll wake you up faster than a swift kick in the rear. Trust me.

We are luxuriating in Veracruz, in our forever home, where the temperature is about 37ºF tonight. Have I mentioned that there is no central heat, electric blankets, etc.?

Well, there isn’t. We are actually wearing a stocking cap on our heads; there’s a first time for everything. He has on wool long johns, flannel pj’s for me. We will be under a flannel top sheet, a wool blanket, and a down-alternative, winter weight comforter inside a heavy flannel duvet.

That all seems copacetic, however, we sleep with a fan blowing on us, at medium speed, mostly for the white noise it provides, pas we both have ears that scream when it is quiet. Ivan’s is from injuries received while in the service; both of his eardrums are scarred terribly,while my right ear is mostly deaf, except for the screaming. Needless to say, we need the noise to negate said screaming.

For us, though, to be here, in our future home, with our wonderful, loving, beautiful family, complete with the Bacalao Navideño that we made, (that very few will probably even taste), is all we really care about. It has been 6 long months since we were here last, and then, it was just me, without him. Bittersweet.

It’s late, 2:45 am, so I will schedule this to post soon. I must tell you, however, the cold temperature makes snuggling really quite enjoyable. Usually my heat, (I’m too fat), next to his heat, minimal, makes me want to implode. Not so here. Yay. Another plus.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Drive carefully, always, but especially in inclement weather.

Post script: a very happy birthday to our B-I-L Larry. Felicidades.

Post post script: photos of the Bacalao soon.