Biden for President 2024


Do you people not watch the REAL news?

Do you not see the instability of the United States amongst other 2nd, and 3rd world countries? Everyone else does.

Open your eyes, and more importantly your minds. Get away from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and those like it.

Our president is demented. He is unable to do


Please, watch real information stations on YT; Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, Jeremy Boreing, Tucker Carlson, Megan Kelly, Glenn Beck, the Hodge Twins, Candace Owens, Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, Forbes Breaking News, The Daily Wire, The Rubin Report, One America News, Blaze TV, Real News Network, PragerU, just to name a few.

Listen to another point of view. Please.

Several years ago, not long before the 2016 elections, I asked Ivan to show me somewhere that I could go to to listen to the truth of what was happening in our country. I just couldn’t believe what I was reading in our local newspaper, or hearing on the nightly news. I was so tired of listening to the MSM, (mainstream media), and all of the crap they were spewing, that I had just about given up on the country that I loved.

I needed to find someone that would be honest about what was happening.

I found it, only with Ivan’s help. He had been watching, and listening to all of the folks I mentioned above, for about 2 years. Well spit. Why didn’t he tell me about them sooner?

He had; I just didn’t want to listen to him.

I do now. It is so easy to see what’s really happening, watching any of them that now, it makes me sad.

We say to each other, frequently, that we are so glad we moved here when we did. By now, if still in the US, we’d be bankrupt; we’d have lost our home, and our cars. I cringe thinking about it. I don’t know how the rest of you are getting by, but I hope, and pray that you are.

Open your minds to different ideas, and vote accordingly. I don’t think you honestly believe JB can make it through another 4 years in the presidency. He is barely able to make it today.

It’s all up to you folks. We get to vote, here at my favorite embassy, and we will. Remember, too, that if you don’t vote, you have no opinion of what happens. It is a privilege to be able to vote, and an honor, and, I think, a duty; not everyone in the world is allowed to do so. Use it wisely.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

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