Better every day

Ivan is still a bit under the weather, so to speak, but I am finally pulling out of what ever this is that has us in its clutches.

Speaking of weather, evidently this is the “fall” rainy season. It has rained every evening in the week we’ve been home. Plus, it rained everyday of the week I was in Los Altos. Which, as you already know, is just fine with me.

However, having the electricity go out, for a whole minute, these past 2 evenings is getting a bit much. Yes, I can hear the thunder better, and can definitely see the lightning, but, since the fruit fly mishap, the windows have all been closed except our bedroom window. So I don’t feel closed in, we run one of our air circulators 24/7, just to have air moving around. Very helpful.

Until the electricity goes out.

Speaking of better every day, a heart felt shout out to my sister Martha, the one who just had a birthday. She has been laid up for the past couple of weeks, for personal reasons, but is up now, and doing well, according to her most recent texts. Glad to hear it sis. Love, and miss you.

I must tell you that I did a lot of knitting, while trying to breathe between coughing spells, when in Los Altos. I knitted 48 rows of 100, or so stitiches, having had to unknit 2 rows that were knit incorrectly. Oh, I had to do that twice, actually. One really should learn how to read before trying to read a knitting pattern. And, as I like to use the actual pattern, it makes it a bit more of a challenge.

This is the shawl I’m knitting.
This is page 1 of 4. There are 9 different sections of the pattern; 9 for front and a different 9 for the back.

Mind you, I haven’t been anywhere near this pattern in more than 3 years. I started it way back in the fall of 2017. I worked on it quite a bit, until we started packing to move, in the fall of 2018. By July of 2019, we were here, in Mexico; my knitting packed away in some obscure tote, Heaven only knew where.

Now, I have it back out, and am, once again, familiar with the jargon, and my notes. Away I go.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.