
Good stuff, Benadryl. Not just for allergies, but as a sleep aid when one has been too long without several continuous hours of sleep.

We got back from LA the other day, still without having had much sleep. I took seventy five milligrams of Benadryl, with eight hundred milligrams of Ibuprofen, and slept, finally, from eleven thirty Sunday night, until almost nine forty, Monday morning.

Of course, now, after waking, and arising, the Benadryl hangover begins. It will last for a few hours, but, after that, it will be gone.

With coffee made, cup in hand, sitting at the living room table, I have been typing posts, like no ones business. I have to check back, to the photos I have taken, and write about them. This post, however, does not require photos.

It is going to rain again, soon. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I am sad to tell you that Cindy S. died yesterday, and Arturo V., an old acquaintance, died a few days ago; both from CoVid 19 virus. Cindy ended up with MRSA in her lungs, and Arturo died alone, and was not found for several days. Condolences to both families.