Beetle war

We have some sort of tiny beetle in the kitchen.

I think I told you about it recently; it looks like a mobile black sesame seed. Let me show you.

Truly. It’s no bigger than a sesame seed.

Well, I’ve had enough.

The other day I took everything off the counter, and out of the corner cabinet, cleaned all of the shelves, wiped down any glass containers, put stuff that didn’t need to be in there into the pantry, and boom.

The little buggers better not come back.

I noticed that they were only around the paper, or cardboard packages, so I put those few things in glass, or plastic containers. Unfortunately, now I’m low on plastic storage containers.

A situation for another day.

Not much else to tell you today. We are both back to “normal”, me more so than him. I still have traces of a tight morning cough, but I chuck that up to 30+ years of heavy smoking.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. WASH, WASH, WASH, and protect yourselves. I don’t really think masking helps as much as washing your hands does. You be your own judge.