Been awhile

Sorry to be out of touch this long. I am, that is to say, we are fine.

We have both had a bit of a head cold these past two weeks; it has left me, in particular, low. We are both on the mend, and will probably go to the grocery store sometime tomorrow, or Monday. We were short on supplies last week, but I could not muster enough oomph to get in the car, much less walk around Costco.

Liz, and, I walked to the market to pick up some staples; not office staples, but pantry staples, silly you. Things like lettuce, chiles, onion, and, garlic; all of the things with which one needs to cook a decent tasting meal. Oh, yes, and, a two and a half liter bottle of Coke, for you know who. As he is still at the “beginning” of the head cold, without much appetite, I made allowances. He will need the calories.

Really, I just want to go back to bed. I know I need to be up, and doing, but I just do not have the energy. Maybe later.

All of you, however, need to stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.