Been awhile

Liz, and I, walked to the market yesterday, just to pick out a very few things. While we were walking towards the small shop selling the chicken….

I started sweating, became very nauseated, my eyes were swimming, and, it felt like I was going to defecate. Lovely!

Fortunately, there was a metal bench just within reach of where we were standing, so I went to it like a magnet. Of course, when Liz asked me if I was ok, I said that, for the most part, yes. Liar!!!! And, of course, she has a brain in her head, and could tell that I was not ok.

I asked her to finish getting the items we needed, so as not to have made the walk a complete loss, and she did. She was also good enough, over a minor protest from me, to call Jesús to come and pick us up.

No, I said, I will be ok in just a few minutes. I will be able to walk the kilometer back to the apartment. Really. Liar.

Needless to say, embarrassed as I always am when this happens in public, I accepted the assistance, got in the car, with a bit of help, went home, and spent the rest of the day in bed.

It has been awhile, close to a year, as I remember it, that a spell has gotten that far out of hand. Normally, if I do a few little magical things, I can get myself out of it, and go on about my business; no one the wiser. Not so yesterday.

I absolutely abhor the feelings that come over me; it render me so helpless. All I want to do is run away, vomit, and go to bed; it is exhausting.

Years ago, before moving here, a physician told me it was BPPV, or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. It is caused by a microscopic crystal in my inner ear that becomes loose, and floats to a part of the ear that is in charge of the brain’s feeling of stability. All of the symptoms that follow is the brain trying to “right” itself. All I can say is KNOCK IT OFF, WILL YOU?

If you know anyone that has this, it is not make believe, and, it is NOT funny. I have only vomited a handful of times, but, when one is in public, where does one go to do that? There is no where to go.

Enough of me. I am better today, though still not one hundred percent, so I am going to go lay down again. In the meantime, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.