
When one hears that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, or that it is only “skin deep”, one needs only to look at two people who, together, through youth, childbirth, life, and aging are still together, and still in love; see through the whole process of aging, coming through to the other side, still in love.

I saw this amazing photo of Pierce Brosnan, and his beautiful wife of 22 years, Keely Shaye Smith, on a “short” somewhere on line, and had to take a screenshot of it.

Ivan, and me, if either of us had hair. 😂😂😂

If you look closely you can see that her hip proceeds behind her elbow; as does mine.

Many years ago I gave birth to two amazing people, now parents themselves.

Since that time, I have grown into my body as it is now. I no longer look as I did even 5 years ago, and probably never will again; not if I stay healthy that is.

Ivan still looks at me with love, and affection, and tells me so. I only see a fat, balding old woman staring at me in the mirror. I try not to look.

It upsets him to see me dislike myself so I do what I can to hide it. It only works when I’ve had enough sleep though. Since that is in short commodity, it usually fails.

I look at the above photo to give me strength, and a reality kick. I am who I have become. Period.

Perfect in my own way, as there is no one else like me in the entire universe.

Ok. I’m feeling a bit better about myself so I’ll say, until next time

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Check to see if you need to mask up again. Please.