Baking paper

You probably know it as parchment paper, but did you know that it’s reusable?

I found out that bit of information several years ago, but didn’t know if any of you knew it, so, now you do. The above piece I used when I made a delicious dinner of liver with caramelized onions recently.

The above piece of paper was where I had put the liver once it was seasoned and breaded. It was bloody, and had bits of flour with seasonings on it. I washed it in the dish pan with hot soapy water, rinsed it, and hung it up to dry.

The above photo is what it looked like the next day, after it was completely dry. It was back to its crispy state, and ready to be reused, washed, and repeated until it was either burnt beyond reuse, or torn in pieces.

I’m going to use it soon on at least one of the following biscuits: old fashioned, using the recipe as seen on the back of the Clabber Girl Baking Powder can, or the KFC biscuits, as seen in the 2nd photo below. We can’t get Clabber Girl Baking Powder down here but do have access to BP that works just fine.


I have tried, once, maybe twice, to make a decent biscuit but have yet to do so. I feel that, as a fairly intelligent person, I should be able to read either of these recipes, and come up with a good tasting biscuit. I’ll let you know when I try again, how they come out.

Until then, stay safe.