Back with la Dentista

We are here, in her office, La Dentista Solis, two days before Christmas. Not very many people we know, anymore, work this close to the holidays. She, however, is one.

Ivan is getting his bottom teeth finished in anticipation of the top implant. Should be ready by the end of the year, or shortly after the beginning of the new year. And, that will be that. He will be able to chew real food again. I cannot wait.

Post script: we are going to the dentist this morning, and, hopefully, all will be a “go” for the implants on the top. I will let you know when we return.

Second post script: all is a “go”, but Ivan needs to wait three more months, to make sure the posts, that will hold the implant, are securely imbedded in his bone. So, it looks like April will be the month.