
Everything is cooked, and ready for assembling a large pot of bacalao to take with us to Los Altos for the New Year.

We leave in four days so I will defrost those items in the freezer starting tomorrow morning, I think.

I have cooked down 2 kg of tomatoes, blended them, put them through a sieve, but have decided not to remove all of the seeds, and skin, as it will make the sauce like a thin tomato sauce. It needs to be more substantial than that. The potatoes are cooked, and in the fridge, along with a jar of roasted, and peeled red peppers that I have roughly chopped. The three large batches of parsley have been stemmed, minced, and are also in the fridge. Yuck. We are not parsley fans.

Here are a few photos of the items going into the stew.

The bag at the top is the 2 kg of salted cod, shredded. The container just below it but in the same bin, is the parsley. The next two containers are 4 onions, diced.
2 kg of papa’s chambray, or baby potatoes, cooked, and ready to go.
On the second shelf are the chiles güeros in vinagre. On the bottom shelf, in the container on the left are the red peppers. Next to that are the tree containers of the processed tomatoes. Two jars of capers, and a large container of chopped stuffed green olives. The bag of leafy green, bottom shelf is for another dish, when we return, called Romeritos en mole con camarones.

Hopefully, it will taste better each time it’s reheated, as it has in the past. We usually eat it with a bolillo, sandwich roll, to sop up the juices. The chiles güeros are similar in flavor to a pepperoncini, except just a bit more zing.

Wishing you all the joy, and happiness of the season. Stay happy, healthy, and safe. And warm. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.