
I discovered this recently, and had to pass it along.

We have a goodly supply of the plastic Rubbermaid Brilliance collection of food storage containers. These are the ones.

We have several different sizes as well. I like them because, if I drop one, or it slips out of my hands when I’m washing it, the glass doesn’t shatter everywhere.

I’m writing about this because, one day, this December past, I discovered some gunk under the black plastic locking mechanism, and could not get it clean to save my life.

I knew I could clean it if I could get the black mechanism off the lid, but couldn’t figure out how, without breaking something.

As it happened, I had a lid that I left too close to the kettle of water I was heating on the stove top (to wash the dishes), and the edge of the lid melted. As I was attempting to pry off the mechanism from a good lid, it hit me that, just maybe, I should try removing it from the damaged lid. (I just love aha moments.) So I did just that. Here is what it looked like.

If you look closely, you can see, on the top piece, the locking mechanism, that the right side is open, while the left is closed. I took a flat headed screw driver, and pried up in the middle of the mechanism. Since I had never done this before, I had no idea what would happen.

As luck would have it, the whole thing popped off; the lid, and locking mechanism both unharmed. So, I did the same prying up of the yucky mechanism, this time with the emphasis on the right side of it, and boop, off it came. So now, I have a clean lid, and 2 new locking mechanisms to put somewhere for safe keeping.

Thought someone might find this helpful. Hope so.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.