Away we go

We left the house at 11:35am, recently, a week, or so ago, on our way to our attorney’s home, to pick up the paperwork proving, finally, that we own our condo.

As the crow flies, the trip is about six kilometers- for the rest of us driving-on-mostly-one-way-streets-in-Mexico-City mortals, however, it is closer to ten.

I believe I have mentioned, in a prior post, that going from A to B takes a bit of time, but, more so, distance. Nothing is a straight shot here.

This city is huge, and takes at least an hour to get to any of its borders from where we live, currently, or, where we will be living in the future. So much to explore, for sure.

The traffic that morning was a miracle in itself, so we made the trip in record time. What is normally a fifty to sixty minute trip only took twenty five minutes. Yay.

Then we had to find a parking spot. Sheesh.