Day 137

I was telling Ivan, just a few minutes ago, how much I loathe the words to “Rock-a-bye baby”. I said i did not understand how someone could sing that to a child. Let me refresh you on the words.

Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree top. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and, down will come baby, cradle, and all.

I said, what the heck does that even mean? He explained that, many years ago, when that song was written, (1765 London, to be exact), it was the “norm” for children to die at a very early age. Many did not live beyond the cradle, so, it was a sort of “set up” for the parent- do not get too attached to this child because even a small cough, or cold, or flu would kill the child.

How horrible!!! To think that, prior to effective antibiotics, decent hygiene, etc., the slightest thing could kill your child! Remember, people did not have proper diets, safe proteins, good sewage removal, like we have had for many, many years, and, take for granted.

There is even evidence to suggest the words had something to do with being on large sailing vessels, and, being up in the crows nest, (the cradle). When the bough of the ship broke, the crow’s nest would fall. Frequently, the crows nest was inhabited by the least senior person on the vessel, a youth. So, when there was a storm, and, the front of the ship was destroyed, so, then, was the main mast, or, the “cradle”.

I would like to put to you a different version of this song, using the same music, but, with more encouraging, and, I think, more loving lyrics. I wrote these words, on my lunch break, several years ago. They came to me while I was trying to relax, after a significantly stressful morning in surgery.

Please let me know what you think. If you like them, please, start singing my version to your little ones. I would be so very proud. This is what I would sing.

Rock-a-bye baby, in my loving arms. While you’re asleep, I’ll keep you from harm. When you’re awake, I’ll be here for you- to love you, to guide you, in all that you do.

And, while I await for your response, keep happy, keep healthy, and keep safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Day 136

Things are picking up marginally here. People are venturing out, but few have any real place to go. Few have jobs in which to go back to. Markets have closed, Mom & Pop shops have closed,

I cannot say it often enough- we got out at the perfect time, for us. If we had stayed, and, waited until this year to retire, we probably would have lost our home, our vehicles, our everything. We had no savings, to speak to, though, our credit cards had no balances on them.

People, here, are back, in small groups, trying to make some money in anyway they can. Homes are for sale, apartments for rent, all over the city. It is terribly sad to watch the degradation of this beautiful city, and its culture. I wonder where we will be in the following year.

Farmers have taken to parking their small pickup trucks, filled with their home grown produce, on the streets, in affluent neighborhoods. Pretty smart. Bring the green grocer to the people instead of hoping the people can get to them.

An little anecdote, in passing: We are on the way to Costco, and, just being outside, in the sun, is so invigorating. It seems like years in between the times we get to go outside. Every moment outside is a moment to cherish. Right?

On an entirely different subject, we have started going back to Toks, for the best cup of coffee in the area, plus a bowl of soup. It is close, inexpensive, and safe. The tables are designated as off limits within one and a half meters, one from another. The wait staff all wear masks, and the tables, even the empty ones, are cleaned every two hours, unless they have been used.

You can see the signs on every other table, asking one to keep a social distance.
When you leave your table, they ask that you “follow the flow”, going to the register around the outer edges of the restaurant, again, maintaining one and a half meters between you and the other patrons.

When we “get” to go outside, my mind, and, my imagination absolutely explode with things I want to tell you. Frequently, while riding in the car, or, walking through Costco, or Sam’s, I pull out my phone, and, start typing away at a thought I have, or an idea I want to put forth.

Funny. I have always wanted to have some sort of recording device, you know, one of those little hand held recorder, to record different things I wanted to tell someone. Well, I had one, but the grandkids got the most use ours of it- Serena especially. They all enjoyed hearing their own voices being replayed to them. Hah! What a memory.

We are not going out again tomorrow, as we went out today. Rarely do we go out more than one day a week. We are not interested in taking the chance that someone has not sanitized something. We have not medical doctor,yet, not since Dr. Arturo died.

We will find someone soon, but until that happens, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Day 135

One of the new double towel racks came today. Hopefully the second one will be here soon.

We are going to reconfigure the pantry area, expand its capabilities, if you will. As we face the cabinet doors, there is a blank wall on either side of the cabinets, begging to have pots, and pans, hanging from the racks. Yay.

Plus, if we take the bottom shelves off of the five tier cart that is currently on the opposite wall, we could put a small chest freezer there, and still have the storage above.(I thought of that in the middle of the night, when I could not find my sleep. Have to run it by my other half, but, at the moment, he has found his sleep).

Lots of little things to do, however, no real enthusiasm, or compulsion, to do them. We are bored more than I can say.

Oh, yesterday I got the courage to start one of my sourdough starters. The culture, itself, was obtained here, in México City, so I am guessing it should work. I learned, too, that fermentation, at as high an altitude as we are, is about one quarter to one half the time it takes closer to sea level. No wonder my kombucha tastes like vinegar- I let it sit too long before it’s second ferment. I am used to fermentation taking one to two weeks before being ready to flavor it, and bottle it. This is way faster then I care for.

I will persevere, and, I will prevail. While I am doing both of those things, do not fall back to your old, bad habits. Stay vigilant, stay healthy, stay happy, and, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your loved ones.

Day 134

We are without internet at the moment, so I am going to take a moment to post something. I really have no idea what I am going to tell you, so, we will see what happens.

I will tell you that I have started a baby blanket for Jesús and Lizbeht, and their little ”someone”. It is a blanket I made several years ago for one of the grandchildren.

I ordered a pastel mint green yarn from which I received just the other day. I am going to start with a pattern from, called Cuddle Me by Manuel. As I said, I made this same blanket, many years ago, for one of our grandkids, but feel it will give be a well needed boost in my “getting back to knitting”, campaign. It has stitch additions leaning to the left, and the same to the right. It also uses a cable needle to make beautiful cables all up and down the blanket.

I have not knitted a single stitch for over a year, and, probably, a half, since before I retired, and began the whole packing, and, moving part of our lives. So many of the different stitches I knew how to knit, now, I have to look them all up on YouTube again. What a bother.

I also came across the shawl that I have been knitting for half an eon, in the knitting bag of my grandmother, Momo. She was my mom’s mom. I even found some of Momo’s knitting needles, and asundry knitting things. How wonderful, to find them, a second time!

I thought that I could just pick up and go, dive right into the pattern, and be done in a few weeks. Then, I saw a video showing how to knit faster using the Continental style of knitting. So, I got some yarn, and tried knitting that way. Nope. Not for me.

I discovered that I do a form of this in my English style of knitting. I used to be a “thrower”, but have, after all of my knitting years, reduced my movements to almost doing a form of Continental knitting. I no longer “throw” the yarn over the needle, but “help” it over the needle. There is very little movement in my hands, which is always a knitters most efficient way of knitting.

It takes a lot of muscle movement to knit, not to mention ability to read a pattern, either in the typed version, or the charted version. When I was knitting my shawl, I got really good at reading the chart, which I thought a major accomplishment. Now, I can read it, kind of, but not like I could, say, two year ago.

No worries. By the time the baby is born, I should have a handle, once again, on all of the different stitches I came to know, and love. I will show you photos as I go along.

Until then, please, be happy, be healthy, be safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: have I mentioned that it is raining? Every night since the beginning of June. Marco says the rainy season is June through September. Yay, for me, anyway.

Day 133

So, Ivan came up with a really good idea today. We are going to take down the really too long towel racks in our bathroom, (yes, I measured them, yes, I ordered them, but the idea was Bette in the mind than on the wall, if you know what I mean), and, put them in the pantry area, off of the laundry area.

We are going to de-bulk our five tier cart of all of the pots and pans we have hanging on it at present. Since we have no inch of space in the kitchen, at present, for anything to come off of the cart, we are going to put up the towel rack, as well as a second one, once I measure and order again. Let me show you what I am talking about.

We are going to see if this towel rack is sturdy enough to handle at least a dozen copper, and, carbon steel pots and pans. These will go into the pantry area if they can withstand the weight.

When the guys get done with the condo, the “drawer” that contains the two garbage bins, will be another two drawers, that we can use to bring in the items we have hanging on the cart, with “S” hooks. This dang thing.

When we saw this, originally, there were no holes cut in the wood, so I texted Luis to ask why this drawer was put in upside down. We had never asked for this type of thing, and, to us, it is such a waste of our little space that neither of us can stomach it. If we had as large a kitchen as we did up North, well, it would be a completely different matter.

We need the space. We are going to have them make this into the same size drawers as to the left of it. Then, as I said, we can bring in almost all, if not all, of the stuff hanging on the cart. I will take a photo of the cart, and show you what I mean.

Until then, you know what you need to do- stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Cover your mouth, wash your hands, protect your loved ones.

Post script: happy birthday to my favorite older sister. Martha is the only older sister I have, and, I could not love her more than I do. Felicidades.

Day 132

A short post today, but, an important post. I am wishing my sister, Martha, a very happy birthday. I am sure you are not allowed to know how old she is, but, I know. And I am not telling.

Happy, happy birthday, dear sister. I hope you have as many more as you can enjoy. I love you tons.

Day 131

Finally. We have heard from the dealership, and, have been denied the loan. No worries. We get our down payment back, plus, we can pay off the credit cards we have had to use during all of the remodeling we have done. Win, win, as far as we are concerned.

It is funny, in a way, though, because the bank has our account information, and, can see, in black, and, white, that we have enough money in our bank account to pay for the car in cash. We were told they did not think we could afford the vehicle. Makes us laugh. We paid cash for three vehicles in one year.

It sounds like it upsets me, but, the only thing that upsets me is the fact we were denied. Silly, I know, but he have not been denied credit in twenty years. It hurt my tender feelings.

While my tender feelings are healing, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Day 130

So as not to be outdone, I did a little of my own work. No, not the laundry, (tho, those new baskets work really well, once you open them up, and actually put clothes in them), not the dishes, either. Well, it had to do with the dishes actually. Let me show you.

When we first moved in, we put our lovely Mexican dishes in the main cupboard, and our Japanese dishes in the corner. We have recently discovered that we use the Japanese dishes more frequently than we do the Mexican dishes, so I took about fifteen minutes, and changed them up. Here is what I mean.

From this, though, actually, I had them displayed much nicer.
Settled them in the corner, where, with a clear glass cabinet door, we think they will look nicer here, all together.
Now, the Japanese dishes, that we use most often, are easier to get to. And look nicer on the shelves. These shelves were used to display the Mexican dishes, but I was unable to get the large dishes in here. You will notice them in the other photo, with the large dishes on the top two shelves.

Not much else, to show you right now. Laundry is calling me, as are the baskets, everyone crying for attention. What am I to do but respond? So, whilst I am away, working my tail off, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your loved ones.

Day 129

I have got to show you what we did this past weekend. We have had our TV up on two large totes that came to about six inches from the end of the bed, on Ivan’s side. Consequently, he has had to sidle his way to bed every night that we have been back here in the condo. So…….

Yesterday, he got off of the “couch” that we have in our room, so, if, and, when, we want, we can watch TV. He pushed away his TV tray, (we each have one that serves as our own little “desk space”), started putting together his mise en place, asked me if I would help, for which, of course, I had been waiting, and this is what we accomplished.

From this mess-
To the mise en place, to –
To this. Finally.

We have removed all of the totes from the bedroom, purchased these TV trays, which we now use as our night stands, our computer desks, and our BluRay player station. Almost everything is out from under the bed, and our room is so spacious, just as we had it planned. We are using the TV trays until Luis and Martín can get back here to finish putting up the shelves, and the cabinets.

While we wait for that, and the storm that is coming, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Day 128

I must tell you that I have become quite the computer geek.

I have a small computer arsenal at my disposal, and, on the weekends, they all come in handy, as I play in the “Wordscapes” tournaments, starting Friday evenings, through Sunday evening.

Of course, while I am doing that, I watch, or, listen to, rather, whatever show I am currently watching, on one of my other devices. So, while I have two computers working, one is charging. When one of the computers I am using looses battery power, I swap it out for a charged computer. Currently, I have my iPhone, an iPad mini, and an iPad Pro 11”. The Pro is charging, so I am using the mini to type this post, and am watching/listening to “Battlestar Gallactica”, on my iPhone, with earbuds. (Hubby is currently napping. It is hard work getting older!”

You may be interested to know that I am currently in first place in the tournament, and I won last weeks tournament as well. Yay for me. I am sure I am only competing with myself, or the computer, because, if I do not sign in until Sunday afternoon, no was has any more points than do I. It took me some time to figure out, but, that is fine with me. It keeps my mind sharp, or, I guess, sharper than if I did not play.

While I am beating the others socks off, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.