I was telling Ivan, just a few minutes ago, how much I loathe the words to “Rock-a-bye baby”. I said i did not understand how someone could sing that to a child. Let me refresh you on the words.
Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree top. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and, down will come baby, cradle, and all.
I said, what the heck does that even mean? He explained that, many years ago, when that song was written, (1765 London, to be exact), it was the “norm” for children to die at a very early age. Many did not live beyond the cradle, so, it was a sort of “set up” for the parent- do not get too attached to this child because even a small cough, or cold, or flu would kill the child.
How horrible!!! To think that, prior to effective antibiotics, decent hygiene, etc., the slightest thing could kill your child! Remember, people did not have proper diets, safe proteins, good sewage removal, like we have had for many, many years, and, take for granted.
There is even evidence to suggest the words had something to do with being on large sailing vessels, and, being up in the crows nest, (the cradle). When the bough of the ship broke, the crow’s nest would fall. Frequently, the crows nest was inhabited by the least senior person on the vessel, a youth. So, when there was a storm, and, the front of the ship was destroyed, so, then, was the main mast, or, the “cradle”.
I would like to put to you a different version of this song, using the same music, but, with more encouraging, and, I think, more loving lyrics. I wrote these words, on my lunch break, several years ago. They came to me while I was trying to relax, after a significantly stressful morning in surgery.
Please let me know what you think. If you like them, please, start singing my version to your little ones. I would be so very proud. This is what I would sing.
Rock-a-bye baby, in my loving arms. While you’re asleep, I’ll keep you from harm. When you’re awake, I’ll be here for you- to love you, to guide you, in all that you do.
And, while I await for your response, keep happy, keep healthy, and keep safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.