April 1st

It came, and was gone without a single April fool’s day joke.

No pranks, no nothing. I do believe it was the second year of such a thing happening. It is, sometimes, the little things in our lives that define them. April fool’s day used to be one of those. No longer.

From now on, April 1st will be just that; the 1st day of April, heralding the dawning of Spring. Down here, it means the heat is coming. Yesterday’s high was 28ºC; I tried, unsuccessfully, not to convert it to Fahrenheit. I saw, briefly, the 82º and about stripped naked.

Oh, I wouldn’t do that; not with an apartment full of people. But I did give it serious consideration.

Today, well at the moment, it is only 23º; I am starting to “glow”.

We have to go to Costco in a bit, and I get to drive. Lucky me. It has been about 2 years since I have driven. I can’t wait. Oh, that reminds me; in order to be placed on our bank account, I have to have a drivers license from here in México. Another thing to add to our list of things to do.

In the meantime, you know what to do. So keep doing it. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.