Appliances – update

THEY HAVE ARRIVED!!! We were called to the apartment today to accept the delivery of the appliances- all 4 of them. Yay!!!

Let me tell you that it took five strong guys to move the refrigerator up the two, very narrow, flights of steps, removing the box, and the front door, in order to get it into the apartment!!! But in it went, without a scratch!! Immediately followed by the dryer, washer and stove.

Thanks to all of the guys that helped. I wish I as smart enough to capture a photo of them, but I was too busy supervising!!!

Originally, they tried to bring it in sideways. That would have taken off the handles!

Backing it in was the only way to do this safely. The rest was simple.

All of our new beauties are resting in the LR- waiting for the day they get to go to their designated spaces. We cannot wait, and, I am sure, they cannot wait either.