Apple Watch series 5

Oh, my gosh people. I cannot believe how much I have missed my Apple Watch. (I left it at the house, in hopes that I would detach myself from too much technology.)

Well, I did – for five months. Now it is time to get back in the game!!!

I have decided, after much deliberation, with myself, that, 1) I need the technology, (now that I am writing these posts),

2) I appreciate all of the advances from the last Apple Watch I had, and

3) I am worth the price I just paid for the Apple Watch series 5!!! (Oh, I hope I am worth the price?!?)

This is my new little beauty.

I do not mind spending two arms, and a leg, for a product as special as this, because it does everything except dishes and laundry. Really. I can place, and answer, calls; text message the US; pull up a menu, or shopping list I have made; it tells me the weather; what my “schedule” is for the day, (I had to include that last bit because we are so busy, you know ;), and it can translate conversations, words, etc., with iTranslate.

It calculates, it Maps My Walks, (not real difficult yet), it shows me which routes to take in Google Maps. It also shows my progress with my activity, but my other watch did that as well. It is water proof up to 50 meters, (again, no worries there), but it also shows me my heart rate, which my series 2 did not. It has my virtual “wallet” available for me to pay for my purchases, and it will reduce the noise when I buy my AirPod pros, and start listening to books again, while I am walking.

Sorry. This was not meant to be an add for the newest Apple Watch; it just happened.

I have since changed the face of the watch about seven times, at least. I am unsure of the battery life still, and do not want to leave it charging all night as that is not necessary.

That is all I am going to say about my latest purchase.