Another something

Something else I don’t think I’ve shown you; you might want to try something like this.

While I was watching one of my favorite YT chefs, Chef Jean-Pierre, a while back,

he showed us how he keeps his bench scraper under the side of his cutting board, to offload cut items from the board to the pot, or pan, even garbage bin.

He never uses his knife to scrape up the aforementioned cut items as it dulls the blade, and is a potential cutting hazard.

I use a rubbery cloth under mine, used to keep my board from moving, however, it didn’t allow for the scraper to fit under the board as I wanted. So, I cut out the shape of the bench scraper, and now it’s a proper fit. See what I mean.

Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you about today. I hope you give it a try, especially if you cook much with fresh ingredients. It works really well, once you stop using your knife as a scraper, that is.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.