Another one

The state of Guerrero, to the Southwest of us, just got hit with at least a 7, maybe stonger, earthquake.

Fortunately for me, at least, I was notified by an app I have on my phone, and iPad Pro called SASSLA. Obviously, it is an alerting app that warns us of seismic activity in the entire country. So far, though, only the state of Guerrero has experienced quake, after quake.

Probably doesn’t mean a lot to any of you folks, but down here, well, you can see, it’s less than an hour Northwest of Acapulco. They are getting hammered by all of the activity.

This was the first earthquake I have actually experienced, start to finish, sitting down. I was sitting on my glider, in the bedroom, when my alarms went off. I silenced both the phone, then the computer, (YKW was sleeping. Didn’t want to wake him unless needed.), and started counting; the alarms told me we had 41 seconds before we would feel it. They were spot on.

The dogs in the area all started barking, at about 30 seconds; that’s when I knew it was going to happen. The dogs are never wrong.

As I got to the final 5 seconds, my glider started moving backwards, and forwards, gently, at first. The chimes in the laundry area started clanging; I could hear them from the bedroom. As the quake intensified, so did the motion of the glider. Strange, though, that the alarm outside, in the park, never went off. Hmmm.

If you’ve never experienced an earthquake, I have to tell you, it is the strangest sensation I have ever felt. It feels as if you are drunk, trying to stagger from one place to another, looking for safety. The entire floor, where you are standing, starts to move out from underneath you.

While standing, your first inclination is to remain standing, but your entire frame of reference is gone. The step you want to take forward, ends up being sideways. Your orientation is completely confused. While you wait for the world to right itself, all you can do is

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

The wind chimes, and the dogs, are still, and silent. As well, most of the residents here must have slept through it as there is no shouting, or talking in the garage below us. Me? I’m sending word to all of you that we are fine.

Post script: it has been registered as a 6. Another one was just declared, and is in progress, in Guerrero. Probably the aftershock.