Another Metro ride

We are on the way to the Office of Immigration again today. We are trying to finalize my residency status. This has been a seven month process in which time we have been completely in the dark.

But, that is not what this post is about today. As I am typing this, we are waiting at the Metro for our friend, Enrique, to meet us here. We are headed to downtown, first, to Immigration, then, afterwards, we will have lunch somewhere. I am hungry already.

We are “people watching”, again. I love to do this, especially now that we have the time. One can see, and hear, so many different things when one takes a moment to stop, look, and listen. (I distinctly remember someone in my youth telling me that with some regularity).

All shapes, sizes, colors, ethnicities. It makes me wonder what their lives are like. Do they have enough money for food, shelter, clothing? Do they have to travel very far to enjoy their lives? Are they safe to travel with on the Metro? I have no answers to any of my questions and probably never will.

It is fun to watch, just the same.