Another “just ‘cuz”

Recently, I made one of the worst pizza’s ever.

I ate a couple of small bites, hoping (against reality), that it might not be as bad as I was tasting it to be.

Nope. It was that bad.

It started out looking like it was going to be a winner, but, alas, it ended up in the organic bin. With our blessings.

Here’s how it started.

I had added oregano, dried basil, onion, and garlic powders, to no avail. This was straight up AP flour, no sourdough discard, or anything special.

It came out flat(ter) than a pancake, and tasted like cardboard. I couldn’t even take a photo of it, it was that bad. So,

The very same day, I found another recipe, online of course, and made another small pizza. These both had only homemade pizza sauce, which was outstanding, mozzarella, and Parmesan cheeses on them, because that’s all I had available at the time. Like I told Ivan, there was no point in wasting good products on a bad pizza, so I wasn’t going to add anything tasty until I got the crust the way I wanted it.

So, here’s pizza #2.

This little beauty had the softest, fairly flavorless crust I’ve ever made, so I still need to do some tweaking to it to give it some flavor.

I have a few ideas such as Barley Malt syrup, (it’s what they put in our Harris pizzas back home to give them their signature flavor), maybe more olive oil, oregano, and basil, to start. I’ll keep you posted when I do. It’s the closest I’ve ever come to a decent pizza crust. If you have a good crust, please, let me know, will you?

Suffice it to say the second pizza met with his one thumb up, so it was gone within the hour.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.