Another beautiful Christmas

We have been sitting here, this Christmas Eve, in the living room, for the past five hours, grazing on Ivan’s incredible chicken paté with Ritz crackers, cashews, mixed nuts, Tequilas, and flavored water. Family members are finally arriving.

This is the second Christmas we have spent here, in this house, with this beautiful family. This time, however, we are twenty years older, retired, and, have money in the bank. The last time, we had to request time off, from the twenty third of December, in the year nineteen hundred ninety nine, until the third of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand.

I do not remember much of that Christmas, mostly, because we always had work, and kids, in the back of our minds, not to mention rent, bills, car payments, etc.

Now, we are living here, and have not a care in the world. Our condo is almost finished, and we will be able to move soon. This will be a Christmas we will be able to remember easily as it is our first Christmas that we are both retired, and, at the moment, have nothing but time, and blessings.

Thank you, all, for coming along, with us, for the ride of our lives. There is so much more to come.

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