Another addition

Luis, and Martín were here recently. Look what they brought us; a new set of shelves, and cabinet for storage in the pantry.

The surface of this cabinet used to be a cutting board that we had. It was too big for this kitchen, so Martín made it as you see it.

I have a place, now, for my kombucha, the kombucha bottles, and the jars from the pantry; no longer will they be on the kitchen countertop. And this is only day one! I guarantee it will change, greatly, over time. The beautiful wood, on top of the cabinet, is our huge cutting board. I asked Martín if he would use it to make it my work surface. He did. We love it.

Right now, I have so many ideas, chasing each other through my brain, about where I want to put this, or that. It will be difficult to sleep, again, tonight. Oh well. What is another night without sleep. Just another night.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: a very happy birthday to our son, Joshua, who turns forty three years old today. Wow. He is getting old.