
What the heck is going on in the US?

Think what you want about trans people; you have to come to terms with that on your own.

But stop shoving it down my throat.

I don’t accept that a transgender female is allowed to compete with biological females, win a competition, be praised, and made famous for it. That is absolutely ludicrous. Women need to stop accepting this kind of treatment. Boycott, petition, do whatever needs to be done to stop this insanity. Transgender females are NOT females. Period. They are men that, supposedly, think like females.

Also, stop trying to force me to think that the exposure of innocent children to the depravity of adults trying to indoctrinate said innocents to their way of “life”, or the mutilation, and death of children succumbing to sex change operations, is ok with me.

It’s not. It sickens me.

Are we, or really, am I going to do anything about this?

What can I do? There are only a very few things that I can do from here. This blog post is one that I hope is beneficial, and a boycott of AB products.

Normally I back down from controversial things like this, I keep my thoughts to myself, but, with this, affecting the next generation of children in the world, it has to stop.

Children cannot be exposed to such as this in their formative years. They are called the formative years for a reason. They are easily led this way, or that way, dependent on the person/people of influence in their lives.

If someone wants to make a child something it’s not, they only need to gain that child’s trust, and keep gently persuading them that they should think a certain way.

Don’t believe me? Watch a couple of episodes of NYPD: Special Victims Unit. That will really open your eyes, not in a pleasant way, to what is happening to innocents when left to believe what influencers are telling them.

Please, let them grow up to make their own choices, good or bad, right or wrong, by what they’ve learned in a, hopefully, loving, stable, family/social environment.

Now, about AB, and that mess. You will be happy to know that I am now able to drink Bohemia Clásica™, a wonderful beer, almost as good as my favorite AB owned Pacifico™. Bummer.

I hope you will take what I have said here as my feelings on the subject. They don’t have to be yours, but it would be nice if some of them were.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Give what I have said here some thought, one way, or the other. Act accordingly.

Post script: the quote the other day was from a Three Stooges show called Niagara Falls. When a certain individual heard that phrase, having been hypnotized to act on that specific phrase, tried to murder anyone close to them. 🙂

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